Tree of Savior Forum

Companion disappear BUG (Cataphract class)

every time i die ON my companion and reso from starting point in a dungeon my companion just wont respon with me i cant use my skills without my companion and sometimes it just appear and im riding on it but still cant use my skills the only way to get my companion back in action and i can use my skills is to go to my character screen and relog in and enter the dungeon agen its so anoying!!!.
i have been doing it over and over when i die on a dungeon im tired of it plss fix it fast TT_TT
sometimes i use my skills and the animation is there but no DMG and you kind of stuck in that position for 1 or 2 sec like the skill earth wave and other skills of cataphact i dont know if it is just me but i hope it helps to all the cataphract class out there who has the same problem.

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it happens to me same the way he described it…
hope it gonna be resolved :slight_smile:

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