Tree of Savior Forum

[Community Poll] Wizard classes and which ones we actualy think IMC should work on!

If you can’t tell by hsi general comments he’s of the “MUH DAMAGE” crowd, more reasonable than most but still part of the thing nontheless.

Alchemist too str0nk, nerf it

Sorcerers should have a forth option “Should be completely remade into an actual functional Class”.



Frost Cloud shouldn’t be nerfed. If rank7 were just to come out then yeah it should’ve been nerfed back then, but it’s rank8 that’s coming and there’ll be better AoE skills than FC (Schwarzer Reiter). If anything its damage should be buffed, probably reduce flat damage a little so it’s not as OP during ranks 6-7 and add % damage so it scales well at rank8.

It’s a skill that requieres 2 almost useless circles, it should be strong.

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It’s still strong at 40-45 second cooldown, the other skills would be buffed/changed to make up for the decrease in FC spam… which is why I proposed the other changes/buffs to the other skills ^o.o^

You basically said it yourself. FC requires 2 almost useless circles… but if those circles aren’t so useless in comparison to Ele C3, it opens up more build options than just Ele C3.

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The thing is you’d have to give HUGE buffs to those skills. Hail’s damage is terrible and inconsistent. Meteor’s CD and cast time are a pain, its damage isn’t too impressive either. Electrocute already falls off at rank6.

I also like Elementalist being an “all or nothing” class. Of course those C2 attributes probably need to be reworked or added to other classes. It’s not like they’re too special either.

Also, buffing C1-2 and nerfing C3 won’t change the fact that SR at rank8 is a better AoE DPS.

I mean this is really assuming c3 warlock is not just good but meme level. And a lot is invested into this assumption.

For PvP, warlock used to be decent until they came out will all these %dark resist equipments. Its still an ok class for r7 TBL and maybe even r8. But when youre against a serious guild in gvg, even 100% attribute isnt gonna help you shave away much of their HP. A few weeks ago in gvg my entire DT load blew away only about 25% of some kino’s HP (90+ attribute, 2000+ overall matk power). I was pretty much done after that.

For PvE. 0 Bossing potential after r8 (of course the entire wizard tree kinda lost its bossing potential after r8). Linking is nice until mobs resist that link, though thankfully it wont happen too often.
Other than that its just the scaling. DT was originally thought to scale 1 tick per level, and people were excited for that. But now we only get 6 ticks instead of 10 ticks at lv 10 which kinda sucks considering how little the damage goes up per level. Invocation scaling sucks too for the same reasons. Mastema is like 1/3 the damage potential of frost cloud with higher CD so … yea… Evil sacrifice is hella buggy and sabbah + drain are worthless atm.

Im sure you see now why I think warlocks need a buff.


So, you run into into someone and he doesnt drop like he did in PvE. Blasphemy! How dare they to resist a one hit that always worked before!
Maybe because the expection to run into some to instantly kill him is complete bullcrap and of every balance.

And again: you playing something that is to be considered as glassy and cry why something from range can kill you so quickly.
Did you know? Quarrels actually have less hp then you do in most cases and drop by literally everything.
Oh, and speaking of the PvE-aspect which you also consider so much on your Warlock, Quarrels suck hard there already and actually needs a bigtime buff like a Ricochet, a way that spread multiple projectiles from the target they hit.
It might be right that Quarrel needs a little negative adjustment but there are bigger problems around atm.

If I was using a full con warlock, I would probably be hitting that guy 1s. By playing glass cannon I expect to do significant damage. DT already has a 50% damage nerf in pvp, which is reasonable. Now they are applying an additional 40% + a load of dark resist on top of that 50%.

I meant retreat shot.
Idk what running shot is actually lol.

You have over 2k m.atk, which means you are at least at 600 int, which leaves likely no space for con and you enter an enviroment which doesnt work the way you played before and now you cry hard.Gj

I see you understand the basics of archer and totally be qualified to judge about it - not.

Magic potential as in matk + amp + elemental dmg.
I do have some con.
Still only hitting 25% of someone’s HP means the class itself is kinda weak. And im not talking about some 60k+ hp tank. They had under 45k hp.

You think frost cloud deserves a nerf when retreat shot doesnt? I dont think you understand the context of my original statement.

Thats not how m.atk actually works. Well, at least you can spell “cat” correctly.

Ive never mentioned anything about FC so far.


Here is the original context.

The point is once people start getting their revisan bracelets and stacking on dark resist warlocks will really start feeling the damage nerf in gvg. Were talking about a 40% + dark resist damage negation on top of that 50% already implemented. Given how rank 2 warlock doesnt bring anything new, yes it deserves a buff - either through warlock 3 or for the current warlock 2 class.

And finally I hope you can drop that condescending tone since I am in no manner being disrespectful to you.

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in a nutshell

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Linker has 0 Variation in what to pick
I think there should be a 4th link in C1 to bring Variation…
Sth like linked share the same manapool / increased manaregeneration or whatever to have a 2nd supporty one
Right now its only Physicallink 4 and unbind or rather physi 5?
Thats all Variation they get…
Late links its 5 into the new and 5 into the old - done
C3 its maybe ignore 1 and buff the c2
Most classes have at least 4 skills they can invest 5 into it or 5 skills
(im NOT saying linker is up - its just boring in skilldiversity and build kind of way)

Other than that: its fine and one of the best choices to go (which more usefull choices would probably make too good again…)

Pyro could use some additional int scaling
Warlock could use some minor nerf to make E3 W1 not the best dps possible - yet with r8 there might be better ones
Feather is one of the weakest classes
Necro might Need some buffing yet not into the afk edge kind of way
Alche wins powerspike with R8 - Homunculus and a realy good atk spell - can stay

Wizzard is rather one of the balanced out classes where most can stay how they are — Archer and Swordsman most likely need more fixes

Look, this topic is not supposed to become pointless arguments, we should try to reach some common sense instead.

Rank 8 have already arrived at kToS, we should not discuss classes that are not OP at that point anymore.

My opinions would be something like this:

Wizard C1~C3: Wizard is the most underwhelming C1/C2 class and Quickcast is the most OP skill (Heal excluded) from Rank 1 C3 classes. This looks fine to me since it sort of looks like a real Wizard’s path, like go down this difficult path and you become wise.

Pyromancer: Should be buffed, Poll answers it.

Cryomancer: Maybe nerfed in PvP but further ranks decrease the value of Freeze (more PDs/Oracles C1), too little damage may be the reason why it got some buffed votes, maybe because other CC classes like QS and Rode3 can do nice damage while still being good CC.

Psychokino: Kino is only OP at Circle 3 and only for PvP and ONLY because of Raise (other nice skills but that is the sh*t), too little damage for a DD class but, if the game intentions was for that, a PvP focused class, it really should not be changed anymore (though most people think GP was TOO nerfed)

Linker: Good class, no offensive skills but very good utility. The fact that the whole class is all about 1 support skill should make it’s C1/C2 a little stronger (in Hit Counts or number of targets) while keeping C3 as it is for a parameter. Something like 60 + 6*level hit counts would probably be accepted by majority (keeping number of targets as it is)

Thaumaturge: If the devs made this class only for farming purposes or gimmick builds with Transpose it would be fine. But the thing is it should still stay relevant as a Support class. Buffs should scale in some sort of Blessing way.

Elementalist C1/C2: Completely useless skills should be sort of revamped. A freezing sphere with 2~3+ hits and little AoE might make RC a viable option. Proeminence could have 100% uptime at level 15. Rain could have longer duration with +levels. Currently Eletrocute, Hail, Meteor and Frost Cloud is already a nice set for a Rank 4 class so if the class should be reworked, it should be done on it’s useless skills.

Elementalist C3: Frost Cloud should not be nerfed in damage, cooldown or duration, IF it should be nerfed on something, that would be AoE attack ratio or maximum targets. It is not OP at Rank 8 anymore.

Sorcerer: Despite AI problems, Summons should have a better scaling. It is a rank 5 class. Summon Familiar is a good skill for many reasons but it is still not efficient against crowds aside of Linker. Summoning should have better scaling, something like (300 + [(0,5+0,1*skill level) * INT] + matk) * (attribute enhance) * (quickcast attribute if available), since it is stupid and slow, it should at least give good hits when he lands, it would make up for the fact that NO other skill despite those 2 mentioned can be considered DPS skills, it’s C3 is VERY BAD (worst Wizard C3, only used for 15 summoning/familiar) and C2 only gives position spells and Ride (I mean, you get 15 points to spend and 4 points in C2 skills). If summoning itself gets buffed then I guess even it’s bad C2/3 is fine because that is the only skill people go Sorcerer for.

Chronomancer: Pretty good class. I still think myself Pass should either be a LITTLE weaker or scrollable because it became a must have class at proper ET parties. Hope R8 changes that but really don’t think so. Obviously that would imply in improving C1/C2, not really sure how though. Guess it is fine as it is.

Necromancer: Stongest C3 Wizard class at Rank 8, you start at Rank 6 so you can’t really expect a huge base damage, lots of strongish summons too, we still underestimate it a bit because we haven’t seen it’s C3 probably. Also pretty much a set build: Cryo 3 > Sorc > Necro 3 for PvP, Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Necro 3 for PvE/PvP. Fine as it is.

Alchemist: Despite having it’s C3 at Rank 8, Alchemist is pretty underwhelming class in both money-making and any other game environment.

Rune Caster: Too much Cooldown, the skill themselves seem fine.

Warlock and Featherfoot are a little underwhelming at C2 because most other classes got mad skills, they are still pretty good if played with correct (Linker) builds. Elememes>WL2 will still rely mostly on Frost Cloud.

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I agree with almost all of your proposed changes. Psychokino is seen as a PvP class and most players are ok with it. FC shouldn’t be nerfed at all, it should be rebalanced (like a bunch of other pre7 skills), rank8 proves that.

Making Pass scrollable will just make Chrono useless, because Haste, Quicken and Stop aren’t as essential as Pass.


Actualy FC is still 1 skill to 1-shot a pack of level 300+ mobs so I’m not sure if you are talking about is making it stronger or weaker.

Balancing should look like making all skills useful, balanced, strenghtening the ones considered good.

My opinion is FC should hit a little slower but have INT scaling on Base Damage.

Scrolls would still cost 2,5k~12,5k EACH, not really affordable in a way to make Chrono 3 useless. Haste 10 is also pretty solid, anyway, one more reason: Barrier Scrolls.

I insist that it should be in c3 its a bad idea to give the core skills that defines a class that you can get in c1 and low rank to booth.

I would also want enchant fire to raise fire element as well but playing for a while now the game doesn’t have much items that will help raise fire element stats.

I know how annoying it is to have your fireballs kick all around but if we implement the attribute pp+fb will be too damn op

imagine wiz3>pyro3>kino1>sage

For it to 1-shot 350k HP mobs it’d have to do 11k damage per tick, right now at rank 7 that damage is impossible and I don’t think it gets much better at rank 8. I’m saying what you said, FC should be slightly weaker during ranks 6-7 and it should be given some sort of scaling so it remains strong after 300.

If they cost 10k then you are right, Chrono would still be wanted unless your party is rich and/or willing to spend the money to try some other strategy.