Tree of Savior Forum

[Community Poll] Wizard classes and which ones we actualy think IMC should work on!

One could argue quickcast is the only thing keeping wizard dps build alive past r7
Without it there wouldnt be much of a dps build at all imo

In my opinion, Quick Cast itself should remain at Wizard C3, but the damage buff should be available at C1 and can have points invested into it throughout C1-C3

Other things I would change:

  • Reflect Shield should function like Pain Barrier, but unlike Pain Barrier, Reflect Shield only lasts for a set amount of hits (cooldown can be increased to 50-55 seconds to balance out its new effectiveness). The innate party buff should be removed and be an optional on/off attribute, or moved to the 2nd buff bar if it remains.

  • Earthquake should be multi-hit and gain stronger scaling with Magic Attack. Its AoE attack ratio should also be modifiable with AoE attack ratio stat… or simply remove AoE attack ratio and limit its AoE target ratio to 10.

  • Lethargy should scale better, but I’m not entirely sure how that should work out.

I take it @VacaOverpower knows nothing about r8.

@xinronyr That would make other semi-dps builds more viable probably, still not as efficient as a pure dps. I don’t think giving Wizards more utility is the right path, most of their circles are supposed to be DPS oriented, there are only a few support circles that do a good job as of now.

The idea of making the damage buff from Quickcast available and skillable throughout C1-C3 is to open up new build options for Wizards as opposed to almost always needing Wiz C3 to scale with higher ranks.

It would make Wiz C2 / Linker C3 / Necro C3 a reasonable choice than simply Wiz C3 / Linker C2 / Necro C3

Wiz C3 would still be useful for PvP situations (Quickcast and improved Sleep), and Rune Caster.


the necro c3 is pointless, you get what? additional way to make corpse? the flesh strike which no one seems to be using in ktos, the skel archers? more afk farming for them. Seeing the video how this skeleton AI keep getting knock back and do shitty damage in 330 contents? meh, only flesh canon doing good damage, and flesh hoop mechanic should be change as well. so much for a rank 8 class. Maybe for pvp we doing good witch archers and warriors chasing people away and corruption mechanic.

elementalist, while being good at our rank 7 meta, they are no where as good as the archer/swordsman meta when r8 comes, and comes the rhevisan accessories gimps are damage that much in pvp aspect with our warlock class. same goes with the bokors effigy, too much dark resistance that destroys the class itself.

then our poor pyro, as much as how I want to build one, they seem very lackluster because of nothing to offer for a circle 2 class. unlike rangers steady aim, archers swift step, wizard 2 surspell etc, you go till pyro c3 and gives you nothing but poor damage, better take wiz c3 that could potentially help r8 classes.

Maybe we could get better r9 for sage and enchanters, this is how meta in game goes anyways

I did see a video of an elewl doing 13k per FC tick with full int, lv4 transcendence weapon and 100% FC in KTOS. Not sure how the calculations add up but elewl’s with high attribute will still be relevant in the next patch although the damage just cannot be compared against SR or swordies? in terms of AOE.

The 13k was the 4 second window of 8 chapparittion cards. Otherwise he hits like 8k.

Grated though his weapon is pretty weak and transcendence quite low. So in theory theres still quite a bit of room for frost clout to grow, albeit really expensive. Also once you get your transcendence up there it doesnt really make much of a diff if youre full int or 80 con. Still… full int is probably the best build for us.

My bad watched the video long ago didn’t realise he used chap buff for that damage.

Yea I agree as well right now it is full int no matter what class you are playing if you want to stay relevant. That being said wiz is becoming the new swordman if no balance is being done on wiz skills.

This argument about Frost Cloud is a waste of time IMO. The entire wizard tree becomes useless in dps when rank 8 hits.

For those who rolled DPS wizards, you can consider quitting the game now. It’s not like you can respec into linker or other support ranks since class resets doesn’t exist at this moment.


It’s not a waste of time, and the argument shouldn’t be about FC only, a lot of skills from the 4 trees need better scaling and physical damage at rank8 should be toned down a little.

Cryo’s snowrolling is a waste skill.
Snowball can break easily and then you have the buggy character stuck animation.

For those who don’t know what breaks snow rolling:

  1. Sleep
  2. Enemies hitting you from the inside of snowball
  3. Hit upon cast deploy (you get stuck in between space of air and ground…)
  4. Lacryma (that dusty cloud that stops attacks)
  5. caltrops
  6. Restrain attack traps from bosses
  7. Probably other skills that I don’t even know about, probably Stop.

It takes around 5 seconds to build the snow ball and it sucks when it breaks because the CD is over a minute. The damage is pretty garbage and has no real tick dps to it. You’re better off casting something with reliable AOE and doesn’t just disappear when it gets hit.

And when certain enemies resist freeze and don’t get sucked into the Frost Tree, well…life becomes a game of jump and autoattack, throw in ice bolt in between.

Surespell should be a basic obtainable skill for all wizzies.
What’s the point in getting cast lock in harder areas?

Since the game has become Tree of Solo, make all classes soloable at least.



Unsure if it was discussed here already.

But Pyro C3’s Hell Breath also needs to get an attribute that makes it immune to interruption. Cause getting interrupted on a channeled almost 2 min CD by 1 dmg is really silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope Sorcerer gets a boost especially Summoning , its gonna fall off with its dps ( already has ) with no attribute and scaling with int ( but little imo )

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all wiz classes should be buffed or no one will play dps wiz once r8 is here

I m surprised to see that my votes are in the same trend than most of the people who voted. I guess this is truly smth ppl expecting in game.

If you think Questing will be done after level 300+ you are totaly wrong. Only a good player with a good DPS class will be doing that, or DPS clerics.

There are quests in which you have to kill 2 bosses with 2,3m HP each. They also hit like 10k+.

Regarding FC: I don’t think it is too strong, for real. I just wish other DD Wizard skills could at least come close to keeping up with it, that’s all.

Even on those videos, 8k is without a Level 290 weapon with GOOD transcendence.

Summoning damage should be changed so it has attribute and quickcast affects it. The base damage itself can be change and calculations so it grows with MAtk so you don’t have the NEED to go full INT.

Flesh Cannon should have 5 + 1*skill_level hits, 10 at level 5, 20 at level 15.


almost everyone know what need to change asap…everyone but imc XD

Need to add wizard class in the polls. I think quick cast attribute should add 5-7 secs to cooldown for balance.

You should read about r8 and how wizard is no longer top DPS, it’s all about swordies and archers, even some cleric builds can outdps wizards.