Tree of Savior Forum

Commander Load Fail

It would be good they solve it or they will left from steam like archage leaves in the launch.

OMG this is a SQL error, c’mon IMC, this isnt so hard to fix.

Could you enlighten us on how this is a SQL error and, mostly important, on how to fix it? I’m not defending IMC but your comment makes no sense…

same problem changing channel don’t work

Server: Klaipeda
Nickname: Alaric
Family name: Thaldrassin

The database server is overloaded with access commands, so he does not answer anyone. And basically a server works with SQL and MySQL. I can not point out what the error is because I’m not there, but I know it is a request error.

[PROBLEM SOLVED TO ME] Just logged in this morning and I could play with my character.

I have the same problem, I have create a post right here (can’t choose servers to get out of it):

(A ticket from IMC)

Hello Savior!

Thank you for contacting us! First of all, Thank you so much for availing Founders Package and Supporting Tree of Savior.

We are aware of the issue and trying to figure out what is causing the problem.What we know at the moment is that when Database is overloaded with too many transactions, this message pops up and deters players from moving to other maps.

You will be able to move to the next map when Database is not overloaded so we ask you to continuously try for now. The dev team is currently looking into this and an announcement will be made as soon as the issue is resolved.


Tree of Savior Support Team


Thank you so much for giving us this information! :heart_eyes_cat:

But sadly, i’m not going to waste my time tryingto play like a fuckin’ desperate person.


I’m currently stuck in the game as well.

My team name is

My character name is

My character is in the pyromacers lab and it only has 2 active channels and both have commanderfail option. can you reset my characters location to orsha or khalpida towns that have more channels so i can log in?

Same problem for both myself and my fiance.
Both in Klaipeda, we both only see channel 1 and cant change to any others. Its been many hours now since this has occured. Please fix soon.

Server: Kalipeda
character: TehGOOSE
Family name: FailGaming
Location: Pyromancer Master’s Lab
Changing channels does not work, both channels available resulting in CommanderLoadFail

1 Like


Server: Klaipeda
Name: Shun
Family Name: Shunigamisama

stuck with a 1 ch map with comander load fail

Server: Klaipeda
Name: Shun
Family Name: Shunigamisama

Stuck at a map without any open channels here.

Server: Klaipeda
Name: Niann
Family Name: Shield

Server: Klaipeda
Team Name: Malazzan
Character Name: Lamorah
Map: Goddess’ Ancient Garden

No good channels to get in.

Hi! Only one channel listed for me too. So, changing channel won’t work.

Server: Klaipeda
Team name: Leolandrooo
Char name: Leozinho

Server: Klaipeda
Team name: Faem
Character name: Treikos

Server: Klaipeda
Character Name: Twokrzy
Family Name:Twokrzy
Error: CommanderLoadFail