Tree of Savior Forum

Coming back to play

Hello Saviors,

I’m coming back to play and would like some build tips for PVE wizard full damage?

Which ones are the most fun?

Is it still possible to build Wiz C3> Ele C3> Wl?

Thank you for your help.

Dps wiz is now need more investment to be good and stat go full INT

W3E3Wl2 still viable if you can afford a nice weapon to boost your magic attack over 2k5

Another dps wiz strong as pve is pyro2-link2-thaum2-sage because of agny necklace but again, you need to boost your magic attack to 2k5 or more since monsters in rank 8 maps have high magic def

Thanks for answering.

So I think it’s out of the question at the moment to do W3E3Wl2.

Any build for fun tips for PVE Solo / Group with little investment?

If you want to play a Wiz that is viable with little investment, play a Cryo 3- Chrono 3-Sage full support which is needed in every endgame content and you just put every stat on CON for hp, dont have to worry about damage but leveling up is much slower than a dps build

If you want magic dps, play Cleric 2-Dievderbys 3- Druid 3. Druid 3 got Lycanthropy you will transform to a werewolf with a huge damage so you dont need an overpriced weapon, and also Hengestone is another Druid 3 skill that boost your attack.
Stat you can go full INT or full DEX since werewolf scale with both magic and physic but INT is better since Dievderbys statues are magic, both Druid 3 and Dievderbys 3 is strong and viable for endgame content

Got it.

Again thank you very much for the help.

I’ll start today.

get pyro3link3sage

strong until u hit 2.6k mdef mob

I’ve seen a lot of this build here in the forum, I think I’ll go that way.

Do you have any indication for build skills?

thank you so much.

Pyro3>Linker3>Sage (more complete build, very strong in solo boss but more equipment dependent on lv290+)
Pyro2>Linker2>Thaum2>Sage@Linker3@Pyro3 (a general build that very good in solo everything include farming high level maps)

Due to Agny Necklace, these 2 are the most beginner friendly wiz tree build that allow you proceed the game smoothly and farm money (support other character), even solo Siaulai mission when there is no queue and solo any map quest with almost no problem.

The trick is simple, cast 4 fireballs on same spot and lure boss walk into it. When boss almost close to fireballs spot, then link the boss to the fireballs and then it die in few seconds.

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sometime you will do normal damage on high mdef mob with 4ball+link

it’s often work when i link high mdef mob with low mdef mob with ball

pyro3link3sage will fine with decend equipment

unless they are link resist with high mdef mob like vilkas mage in 290dg

better skip it, clear physical mob then go boss

with the maintenance on yesterday which lowered the mdef of lv300+ mobs, the mdef issue is lessen now, but still better to get 2.5k matk at least for good.

welcome back,

im suggest, minimal 50 con then the rest is INT, atleast you have 2k matack ++ so you not hitting mobs 1 damage
and increase magic deffence soo you should be okay at r8 maps.
oh and, dont expected too much in this game, soo you can avoid getting IMCed.


Dude, run while u can, Dota 2 is out there waiting for u, CSGO and any other game :smiley:

I know, the outfits are beautiful and all but this game is actyually done. Everytime i see topics related to “u need 2.5k matk or u will hit 1 damage” i just laugh how a game with 6505654 classes and 500 level cap or some shiet is so poorly designed when scaling damage and defense lul. Why cant we just have a fuckyyng % based game with some natural scaling instead of flat dumb numbers.

Come to Dota 2 my friend, the true game when everytime spent is for life.

PS: its not a rage post, its just wishing better stuff for ur life guys
Love u all

I don’t think this game is done! I’m new too, and I feel like there will be a lot more new players due to issues being fixed I think. :slight_smile: It may have a niche playerbase, but it’s thriving in kToS? I believe? Don’t quote me on that. But yeah, if you’re playing on Klaipeda, add me! My family name is Nostrovia, maybe we can party sometime :slight_smile:

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Thank you for all Guys.

I understood the rotation of the Pyro, I found it very interesting.

Let’s see if I can put it into practice.
