Tree of Savior Forum

Coming back as a wizard but many questions

Hello to everyone I’m thinking about come back to the game with my favorite class the wizard, but I’m not really update about what happen from the big damage formula changes, so I have some questions:

  1. What happen to the wizard class in this year.
  2. I’m a elementalist lover , mainly because the ice skills jejejej i have a cryo3-ele3 wizard and was really good killing groups but the flying ones was a hell some time and killing bosses wasn’t to easy. So I want to try a new build but I’m so lose about what could be the better for solo raids.
  3. With the coming changes at R9 which classes mix well with ele3 and cryo3.
  4. Which classes of wizard can be just one rank and which need all three ranks.
  5. Still need the linker class.
    6.i see a nice interaction between RC and enchanter there is a build with cryo RC and enchanter good for solo?.

Thank you so much for all the help you can give me.

Here’s a general statement based on what’s incoming.

DPS classes below r8 are generally “screwed” because ranks 1-7 have been reclassified as “noob classes” and ranks 8-up have been reclassified as “master classes”.

What does this mean? Ranks 1-7 will generally have the same power with ranks 8-up will generally be stronger than ranks 1-7. Elementalist is within the r1-7 classification.

To compare lv5 [lightning hands] from ench2 has a SF of 503% while lv5 [frost cloud] has a SF of 327.

  • Lightning hands affects your AA so essentially “forever” on any target and is AoE (small AoE but still better than single target). If you go chrono thats a huge boost in aspd with generally good utility. If you go RC that turns your jump into a huge AoE AA that applies [lightning hands] damage. It still works with wz3-ele3 because the downtime on skills is covered by AA.
  • At lv5 [frost cloud] 3hits per sec over 5.4sec duration, we are looking at roughly 18 hits over 45s cd -> 130.8 SF per sec.

Now if you took instead maybe cryo3-chrono3 you have a staple support class that gets a huge dps boost when it turns ench2. Cryo attributes increase lightning damage by 50% against frozen and [lightning hands] is lightning. The atspd on [lightning hands] is already faster than the normal AA and is further boosted by chrono.

Another option is thauma3-RC (aka hulk). Rc jump is not aspd based so it ignores the ping problem with aspd. Thauma will add roughly 2k matk to your stats (which translates to 10060 matk on [lightning hands]. The removal of the buff limit means you don’t need to worry about losing those swell buffs.

Mind you ele3 still works, it’s just that the other options have been “enhanced” way more.

WL3 is meh and shadowmancer is looking to be single target. If that’s your thing you can look em up but I generally believe ench is the go to dps pick.

I don’t understand this part, now the ele3 are nerf?

And the part of RC jump I don’t understand what is the advantage, the RC no need aspd boost because it jump?

The whole game mechanics has been reworked. So it is nothing to compare with now. Damage is not like (atk+skilatk - def)*amount of hits like it was before. It is roughly damage=skillmod%atk(def reduction). So skill with 3200% modifier is 4 times stronger than skill with 800% modifier. Low rank skills have low modifiers compared to rank8-9 skills. If you go here, you can compare skill modifiers yourself, and decide
or change to ktest version to see 9 rank


RC has [rune of giants]. It’s a buff that makes you big (more hp, more def). An unlisted but confirmed effect of the buff is that when you jump, you auto atk in the area (significantly bigger AoE) where you land. So under [rune of giants] you can auto atk via jumping.

I’ll look for the video.

For lower-rank classes, which skill factors remain relatively low, we have plans to introduce a Master Circle (name undecided) which will expand their combat power and abilities to a level similar to those of higher-rank classes.

Not yet implemented and I don’t think there are any details on it so far.

I think to rate R1-7 classes as noob class is mostly false, it just their dps will be obseleted with higher end content but cc/support/filler-damage are still relevant.

This also mean R8 and above has become the core classes, and R1-7 are just support classes .

cryo3elem3 are still legit good build, but it all depend what content you are interested.
shadow2 should be better, but enchanter2 also do well as more support orientated.

I’m more confuse now T_T, so if i get elementalist it will not have the same power as before? so my old build wiz3>ele3>WL2 is not good anymore?

And about the IW+PP still burst against bosses? or there is other wiz classes that can solo bosses?

lol no wiz3 ele3 lock2 is imo best dps build for wizards right now :slight_smile: in patch u just can go for lock3 or shadow 2 u can go for cryo3 ele3 and shaodw 2 or some mix with summoner, there will be more option :smiley: there are popular builds in korea tight now like cryo3chrono3ench2 or tcryo3thamua3ench2 :slight_smile: i will chose standard build wiz3ele3lock2 and pyro3sorc3hadow2 for my wizards ;p

Cryo 3> ele3 is pretty nice build but have the problema that dosen’t hit flying mobs that is a desventage as i see, and the boss killing power isn’t the best i think.
And about the enchanter build im not sure if this ones have power for killing bosses, i think a good build could be cryo3>kino>RC>Ench2

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lol? electrocute and hial can hit flying mobs and mobs can die from hail+frostcloud+electrocute etc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well yeah you are right but what about the boss power ? And the same problem with the other 2 builds no?

if u want go to ench2 u should pick thauma 3 or chrono3 and if u have nice weapon ele3 will kill everything :wink: problem is cd, so u can pick chrono3 if u want or some other damage option

Well i read enought for having a idea of tha actual game, it seem like right now still been the better skill DPS is elementalist, but i have a question about:

  1. what builds works with elementalist (different to WL3 one)?
  2. which classes are enougth with just 1 rank?
  3. wiz2>linker2>ele3>Enchante2 is bad idea as build?
    4.Shadowmancer is better than WL
  4. There is a good build with shadowmancer already?
  1. Warlock is still better for general PvE. Warlock2 is still a must because of mastema attribute, which makes mastema like 6 times stronger, and because of 100% uptime of spirits(Evocation). As for me - enchanter is just for fun class, some pew-pew with a nice sound. I cannot compete with Walock spirits and Mastema at all. For boss oriented dps - go wiz3-ele3-wl2 and shadow1 for shadow thorn has good single target damage and you get 2 save abilities. Or for general - wl3 is good for 1 more aoe skill and longer Evocation.
  2. None.
  3. Bad idea, long cast times. And you need to either full hand dps, or full cast.
  4. Some cryo3-chrono3-shadow2 is a very solid build. Some thau3 might be also be good as support, just go full con, so you transpose to cast your buffs.

It is quite complicated to specify, but in term of single target burst all I can say that many standalone classes are sufficient to kill a 2m HP boss under 10s with decent gears/cards/attributes.
eg: Enchanter2/Elem3/Warlock3/Shadow2/Featherfoot3, with Elementalist3 have the best AoE ability.

But out of this ability, what else are you seeking? What game content you like the most?

The next ET will be changed, many classes can deal AoE, especially new Clericsss/Mergen/Cannoneer/BulletMarker. Elememe as now is not compulsory anymore as it too tied with cryo3chrono3, the best classes for ET could be Cryo3-Chrono3-Enchanter2 now, since its party support is irreplaceable compare to elememe’s dps role. Even if you still want to be in ET, you can go Elem3Warlock3 or Elem3Chrono3, Invocation is still OP for Mobs cleaning, and Mastema is still strong and good support for Cleric/BulletMarker holy damage debuff.

I think Thauma3Shadow2 or Cryo3Chrono3Shadow2 or Cryo3Psycho3Shadow2 would be best, as mentioned by rayden you can go full con and transpose full int to get buff, then cancel tranpose to remain as high matk + tanky build. All recent changes has made this possible, remove buff count / random gear stats / new cards system.

HG350/DG330 Farming
I think Cryo3Thaum3Enchanter2/Cryo3Chrono3Enchanter2 would be best, as they are able to deal sustainable damage with utility, chrono3 for speed clear or thaum3 for swell body x2 drop. The simplicity of the build fit with the mindless farming.
Cryo3 is essentially the best mobs grouping skill in the game

World Bosses rank1 race
I don’t know, but it seems we will lose to other classes like Murmillo or Zealot or Musketeer in term of solo dps, but if you have support party that central around you would be different. Mostly we are quite disadvantageous with Shadow/Warlock being dark element or most skills need to wait CD. Then, Elem3Warlock1Shadow2 or Elem3FF3 can give it a try

Finally, there are more niche hybrid builds that are good or even better in between, or need a lot of resources (not beginner friendly) to become good, *multiple characters, fix party member, silvers, skill scrolls, specific cards (gazing golem) and summoner’s card (marnox).

p/s: Sage i’m not forgetting you :cry: but i can’t find anything to mention about you.

@raydensorc @nightrain_scy thank you you both I think I will try some builds when the patch come right now I like a lot all the ones which have elementalist because I love the ice skills. But right now my ideas are 4


I hope any of this works for kill mobs and do some end game contents.

all can kill mobs,

Good build, but you need at least 2 gazing golem cards for this build, without wiz2-3 casting hail/electrocute/meteor is bothersome (some can’t play without it), luckily shadow2/ench2 will reduce the use of said skills and lesser impact.

good legacy elememe build, balance between single target and AoE

wiz1-cryo3-linker2-ff3? fun build but it gets boring overtime, actually i hate ff3, its playstyle is bothersome since you need apply debuff and levitation, do this do that then only you can maximize its dmg @.@ but some peoples like such mechanics, but practically it is difficult to achieve that without very high def/hp

this build have not much synergy, although it still can kill stuffs but not that effective in end game, mainly u use staff but it reduce lightning hand speed, when you become giant to use jump-atk and you can’t use elem skills.

I recomend wizlinker1ele3ff3, high damage and sustain!