Tree of Savior Forum

Color blind mode? This feature is absolutely 100% mandatory, please :(

Hi, so Korean beta tester here. I’ve looked everywhere for information on this, I’ve messed with my settings, but I’ve run into a dead end.

A good friend of mine is interested in playing this game, but he’s color blind. After watching PVP, he says he was unable to see the difference in the teams. The orange names under the enemy team do not appear to him. Everything is the same color name wise, so it’s a major problem when it comes to him playing the game for PVP. The enemy team appeared to be allies on Steparu’s team…

Image example of what I’m referring to if you haven’t seen footage of PVP.

So I was wondering if there’s future plans for color blind modes? He says he can’t PVP at all at its current state =(

Colorblind suggestions:

  • Red v.s. Blue Names
  • Option to change HP bar colors.

If we had those options, it would be really really helpful.

Thanks for reading!

Very informative information by gelsamel:


If I’m not mistaken, I think some people complained about it, so they may take into consideration for a future beta. Not because they’re color blind as your friend, however it’s somewhat difficult to identify your team.

Since you’re a beta tester, you can also draw their attention to this issue (if you had already done it ;)). I’m sure they’ll take care of it. :smiley:

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Yeah I hope xD I wish I knew how to edit the files and change the font color myself. Hope to see it in the future and hopes IMCGames sees this post!

yeeaa!, I unable to see the difference in the teams!! I color Blind >.<


For those interested here is what it looks like for




Deuteranopia and Protanopia are the most common forms of colorblindness they are also pretty similar because their confusion point on the CIE color is similar. Tritanopia is very very rare, but there still might be players who suffer from it which would benefit from being able to set custom colors for themselves.


Thank you for the post gel, that really puts some light on it. I’m glad you found your way to my post from Reddit!

Yes while I agree. Try

EnChroma is great and might work for some people, but all it really does is muck with contrasts and saturation to try and make it a bit easier to distinguish the colors. It won’t magically give your color sense back, but it might make distinguishing confused colors easier. It is also highly dependent on the exact form and severity of your colorblindness. I absolutely recommend anyone give it a try, though. If it works for you, then it’s great.

You might be able to actually find some software filters that muck with colors on your computer. Like ViSolve - These will do similar things to the EnChroma glasses except on your computer scren. However I don’t know of any software that will do it real-time like an ENB in a game… :frowning:

Edit: See an example of ViSolve/EnChroma type solutions here:

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I am not colour blind, but I support this.

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Same here. Not colorblind but this is something that should be “fixed” as soon as possible.

BUMP for IMC awareness


I will forward this to our Dev team :slightly_smiling:


John, i’m starting to get worried, it seems like a “protocol answer”

Like they hired you and said “just tell everyone that you’ll forward the info to us”

Do the dev team really listen to us? :frowning:

Be honest, because i like you, and i’ll believe your word

(Btw colorblind mode is really a big deal ;s )

He has mentioned a time or two that they do pass everything they say they do to the devs, but on an ‘‘objective’’ standpoint they are most likely taken as ‘‘recomendations and feedback from the international forums that our employes have taken as important enough to be pointed out for their enjoyement of the game’’, you know suggestions and all that. So it ends in IMCs hands if they go for it which ends in it taking a very long time if ever, specially when they are heavily working in fixing bugs, balancing classes and filling the estipulations they have with Nexon’s contract which are in fact a main priority, as it should be in all honesty.

Sorry if I sounded disingenuous a bit :frowning:

The truth is the Dev team has gotten many memos not just from us, but from Korean players and many other sources (both internal and external). The workload on their hands at the moment is quite staggering. So, I cannot say that such features will be provided as quickly as we want them to be but what I can promise you is every word of your voice gets to our Dev team. This is not an automated response (frankly, if we wanted to do such, we should have a utility system for it.).

We sincerely hope to bring you the best possible gaming experience~