Tree of Savior Forum

Colony-Alliance War 2.0 Proposal

the existing mass PvP from IMC’s 1st mmorpg Granado Espada; first is the regular guild wars called Colony War where guilds fight over territories spread across the world map. second was the Alliance War where 2 factions + 1 fight each other moba style.

Colony War

This involves individual guilds fighting across the world map (not castles) to control territories via capturing colonies(Emperium in RO). The more territories won the more cash reward and bonus guild buffs are earned.


Alliance War

(Massive MOBA battle mix with regular Faction War)

Guilds must align into 2 opposite fighting factions with a 3rd faction to add to the fray. Same context and content as a regular MOBA(towers, ai mobs, destroying the objective) but involes almost all the player base. But the setting involves the 3 major cities as the battlegrounds turning them into instanced PK areas…

Participating in battle grants points which grants one’s alliance rank which grants additional bonus buffs depending on the player’s alliance rank. You actually can get high rank by just healing and reviving people and not just killing. one can also use point in the alliance shop.

Now from the ToSgame forum discussion
it would a great idea if the Colony War is part of the Alliance War, thus combining the 2 existing systems which IMC games has property, instead of War of Emperium which is property of Gravity.

Instead of a single guild fighting for their own territory it will be a dozens guilds fighting for their alliance’s territory. Thus weaker guilds can join the frey and still benefit and the stonger guilds have the cannon fodder guilds at their disposal.

Preferably there are only 2 opposing major factions + 1 3rd faction like the orignal alliance war. the 3rd faction is there for people without guilds or a guild without affliation to join in the frey of battle.



I want to see dozens of Centurion FORMATIONS

I want to see CHAOS

With 2 factions we can have the quantity of players that will join the battle instead of individual guilds.

Also during war TIME I want the system to default the participating players to their individual FACTION COSTUME with corresponding rank accessories(armbands/caps/capes)

Also there will be Faction commanders voting system, from different guilds preferably.


1, team balance. 1 faction might get all the strongest guilds on their side while leaving the weaker guilds on the opposing factions which ruins the idea. the faction with all the strong guilds will simply curb stomp the other in every war.

auto team balance kinda ruins freedom of the player.

2, i mentioned no MOBA elements, which defeats the idea of the original Alliance war. So its just a Colony war fought as a Faction instead of individual guilds.

This is just my random idea basing from systems existing in Granado Espada. Feel free to scrutinize and criticize.


RIP low spec gamers.

Happy Lagging!


the chatbox would be like
and I would just be like
nice 5 fps :sunglasses:

I’m the old man when it’s lag


For alliance war, I say when each guild leader created their guild, they must sign a contract / pledge an alliance with 1 specific faction.

How long do you think a pledge should last?

Permanently, it’s like a knighting ceremony. A group of people who pledge their loyalty to the king/ruler of the faction. All of guild members will also automatically join the faction.

Is there a way to prevent a one-sided faction war? All greedy guilds just joining one faction to benefit on the rewards.

hmm why not just disregard gear stats and bonus stats(gained form leveling).maxing out skills and has a fixed stat system where all players have the same stats for a certain class… is this way ittle become a real PVP… cause most pvp junkies over powerd their gears to maximum thus imbalance-ing the game… it will be also more strategy focused war rather than single player killing everyone from every weaker opposing guild in its way @_@"

This sounds really interesting.

Guilds, regardless of how big/small can equally participate and get rewarded.

+1 to this suggestion :thumbsup:

I do hope there’s equalization of some sort at least for certain aspects of pvp…it’s no fun when “the best” are always the ones on top simply because they were able to afford getting maxed gears. or maybe gear will only give a small boost, and it’ll be more about skill? having heavily enhanced gear in order to pvp effectively just sets the bar too high for people who actually want to stand a chance at competitively pvping. :angry:

thats exacltly why i said disregarding gear stat and bonus stat to make somthing “fair” by simply putting artificial stats to the players in war time (you and other players)

fair in a sense u have the same stat… then engage in a battle… how do u win? its on ur own strategy. ur not relying too much on ur characters stat but relying on ur playing/knowleged of ur chara… its like battleing ur own mirror and outwitting it by our own arsenals (team mates/buffs/skill/timing/knowlege on the enemys weakness)

putting too much money on gears for +%pvp damage and +%pvp defensive to extent overkilling everybody on the opposing team is imbalance(pvp junkies do this) =V the reason i said"disregard gear stats and bonus stat and creat somthing artifical stat"

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lol sorry I totally just replied with exactly what you said :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

(I admit I wasn’t paying attention :sweat:)

XD oppologies too on the long texts… for some reason i can type too long when using this forum @,…,@" maybe the layout is too small >_<" bah…

its just a proposal though… and devs might not even put it into consideration cause its too hard to emplement (IMO) … on to arena! 1vs1, 3vs3, 5vs5!


that the biggest problem, once all the strong guilds just joins 1 faction. i have no idea of balancing it without a auto team balance that will ruin freedom of choice of the guild involved.

the other thing i can think of is called ‘pity’ system in s4 league. when 1 team has a major advantage in points/score the system buffs the weaker team’s stats, thus appearing that the losing team has overpowered weapons. but this overpower buff is temporary as soon as losing catch up to the score of the strong team the ‘pity’ buff is removed.

Never 2 faction for large scale pvp, 3 factions minimum. I did read the 3rd “minor” faction but you should just have 3 major instead. Not too much a fan of this idea, prefer guild ownership/contest systems.

so, you want see the world burned by players already before we found the goddesses

you mean rip @rhidz (because of his usercard)

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guild wars will probably still be in the following year when obt comes.

oh @_@" rip indeed

i wont be doing guild wars (low spec gaming rig and also lag XD lastly, imbalances) but for justice! guild war should always be strategy! not gear oriented/class oriented(other class out class others, cant avoid that >_<")

There are ways to counteract everyone joining one faction.

  • Shared rewards (where each person’s share is reduced depending on the
    number of other players on the faction)
  • Making successive wins more difficult (winning one battle makes next battle more difficult). This
    just ensures that the underdog won’t lose all the matches. At least,
    if its territory based.
  • Having guilds apply for raids and being divided into teams as appropriate
  • Basing the raid rewards for each faction differently (eg. raid reward for each town is a different
    class’s equipment)

Part of a character’s growth is also what equipments and items they acquire on their journey. So I don’t think it’s quite fair to deny them that. (After all…what wars were ever fought on equal footing?)