While some of you might see this as a pointless drama in a forum about loli girls killing virtual enemies. I shall suggest you to leave immediately and look at goddess to goddess hen–. I mean save the land of our saviors. If you’re cool about me ranting about my life and sharing my thoughts to the game community I’ve been on for the past 2 years, THEN take out your free cardboard box, I’ll discuss the current situation with my life. I really need some opinions (Trust me, I’ve contacted my parents) of artists and some people who could provide insights.
I’m not often on this account, but let’s say I was part of the forum activities on it’s early months. I won’t disclose the forum namee, but I’m sure a number of you might have seen some of my posts if you’ve been on this forums for quite a long time.
So right, getting into it.
I am a university student studying Sociology. Trust me I have good grades and I’m running for Magna cum laude or Cum laude based on the grades that I would be receiving in the following months. I’m at the stage of thesis proposal and I’m very interested with my topic in “Online Game exposure and it’s influence in social relationships among users at Cyber cafes” If else, I would gladly throw away Sociology and pick a different course (provided that I could go back in time). My thesis adviser contacted me today, she said that I might have to change my thesis topic to cater with the research agenda of the department, basically they want me to drop my topic, and do a research for a project they’re working right now. It all started with that, with the smile of my adviser. That damn smile. THEY WANTED ME TO CHANGE MY TOPIC TO CATER THEIR INTEREST NOT MINE. I’m writing this wall of texts and I’m glad you’re reading, I’m sharing my sentiments that I am not amused at all and I don’t really know what to do with life anymore. It’s not that I hate my course, but I don’t find the passion for it, it’s a memorization shitshow for the first few parts, then you’ll have an intellectual masturbation with your fellow colleagues to discuss theoretical lenses without being ■■■■■■■ practical at all. Then here I am on the point where I just want to graduate and my only saving grace is a thesis that captures my interest, but low and behold it all crashed today. I talked with my Mom tonight “If I don’t get my thesis topic back, I’m going to quit college” Yes, I’m serious about it, I don’t really want to spend the rest of my months under constant pressure that I don’t want/know I’m doing, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life to think that I spent my whole 4 years in college just to finish a degree in Sociology and landing a job as a normal sociologist, and wasting my life because I don’t enjoy it. I bargained with my mom to give me a year and I’ll practice hard on digital painting. To the point that I’m planning to make it as a profession. My dad is an artist himself, he dropped out of college and now he’s living the life of sitting his ass and immersing himself to oil painting. No more TOS, no more memes. Just pure drawing and some occasional youtube/music playing while i’m doing work. And if that 1 year proved to be a fad, i’ll gladly accept what I got and suicide (well to be honest, I’m really planning to) re-enter college knowing that I’m doomed for this life. I guess i don’t really need advises thinking about it, but if you do have something to say whether you want to flame me or recommend something in life. Sure go ahead, I’ll be reading. Who knows you might be a online benefactor that I would remember for the rest of my life. That would be a moment of “Kids, you know when I was your age, there was this person who helped me”. The rest of the story goes on, I know this is a heavy topic, and I do know I’m breaking a norm for posting this on a goddamn forum about dress up girls online gacha edition 9999.exe nevertheless let me hear your thoughts.
Thank you for reading it all
May we meet somewhere in life.