Tree of Savior Forum

Collection System?

Did anyone else notice something pretty interesting about the collection system?

Collecting a set of items gives you a stat boost! I’m surprised they did this, and actually didn’t know it gave stats. Maybe I missed it and never realized :sweat_smile:

Another reason to go around collecting all the things. Will you be going around collecting rare loot and possibly gear for that sweet stat bonus? Would you sacrifice that item that drops at a .00001% rate (assuming it may have an item for collection like that) :smiley: or sell it away for some major cash :moneybag:

Looking forward to seeing all the things we can collect :thumbsup:

I hope it got a limit!

I wonder if you can only choose 1 collection for effect at a time or the effects just add up the more collections you complete :sweat:

I think the effect will apply to the set that you brought with you in the bag (or equipped). But of course, this is just a speculation.

I think this is like the ‘‘Tittle’’ on ur character, only one buff active. But u prolly gonna have different collections saved with different buff so u can change it whenever u want.

this feature really promote us to collecting stuff at least to getting the nice bonus you can get doing it
and suppose there is something rare to be worth sacrificing it! (hidden skill maybe/attribut) or bonus damage against certain type of enemies…
imo its like collecting card but you dont need to equip it to get the bonus… just collect them all!


Mm, I remember seeing that system in CBT2 but I never got around to actually using it.

Since 1 level is worth 1 Stat and this collection gives 5 stats, it’s basically worth 5 levelups.

well another question would be , will the collection “Count” if you just bought it , or will you have to have picked it up yourself ?

Maybe the items are untradable, I hope so tho!

well i guess they could also be unique gather nodes that only appear rarely in a certain map or they are a rare drop that only drops from monsters , and will only drop to people who haven’t completed their collection

Interesting feature, but what amazes me more, is that the game UI, artwork and environment style is simply beautiful. I don’t know about you, but that NPC girl’s artwork looks gorgeous. This screenshot seems to flaunt that more than the ‘collection’ system!

Although most people would just click through text and skip stuff. I’ll definitely sit around and read if every character artwork in chats are this amazing.

well if its tradeable then people gonna start farming for it for the coins haha… at least more option becoming a trade rather than a fighter…

I can already tell the achievement whores are going to come out of the wood work for stuff like this.

that’s a bit harsh calling people like that… its one of the game feature and one of many play style to choose in game… and someone might not agree with you like me :grin:
manipulating people to buy your stuff is part of the game too…

The 3 flowers are dropped by 3 different monsters.

I can’t use this system. That window is blank.

Edit: Now I can use this, the last CBT I couldn’t.