Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric3 Sadhu3 Miko Taoist Best single target DPS for cleric?

Don’t forget that these are only datamined and not confirmed, some of these or even all could be unused. (Which I doubt tho.)
Also don’t forget that they may not all be c2 skills, one could very well be planned for c3.

That might be the case,however we don’t know if said person/s have other characters that might be in dire need to use the reset potions instead (since we talk about growth section rewards, you need to have several characters to unlock the free skill reset potions).
The damage growth of Storm Calling (42,5% per skilllevel) is imo not worth to risk trouble/the need for reset as we speak about a mere 170% (difference between Storm Calling level 1 and 5) every 24 seconds.

Let’s not forget that you might need to reset again at Rank 10 and the Adventure Journal rewards for growth are one time only, unless they add more skill reset potions for the higher reward ranks.

As I’ve already said, if you’re willing to spend 7,89 Euro for a reset potion later on because you wanted that 170% damage for a few months, by all means go ahead and spend your points.

Even if those skill are exchanged, it won’t change the fact that Rank 9 will introduce at least 1 new skill for Taoist. That’s always the case for all Classes in the Cleric roster (most of them have 2 skills introduced at Circle 2). Better plan now and save the points until we have concrete plans showcasing the new skills for Circle 2, because, as I said, the spent points now might become a hassle if you need to reset at Rank 9 and maybe again at Rank 10.

No. Monk3 Inquisitor is.

Hello. I had not really read the replies but you are mistaken in thinking that Taoist is a dps circle in the cleric tree. It most definitely is not. It is a support class usually coupled with miko to increase physical melee dps. Top single target dps for clerics is undoubtedly (cleric2 priest2) Monk3 Inquisitor, followed (somewhat) closely by cleric 2 Dev1 Sadhu3 PD2 (this is mostly a high aoe dps build but is still decent single target). I’m assuming you’re talking about worldbossing or just bossing in general. If you’re a monk3inqui (does almost completely strike physical damage other than malleus and heal/cure) at worldbossing, you get to steal strike debuffs (as well as miko dance and storm calling) from everyone there so you’re going to be dishing out damage that is better than doppel but worse than shinobi murmillo. Although it is still a cleric class, it has, in my opinion, the second highest bossing dps in the game at the moment, falling QUITE short of shinobi murmillo. For clarity, I think that ele3warlock2 is possibly able to outdps it in certain cases (multiple chrono3’s for infinite casting, boss doesn’t move or break magic circles, aiming from falconer applied to massively increase hail damage).

Lol, you didn’t read what the OP wrote and still dared to answer although he asked specifically for magic DPS Cleric?

Inquisitor has 1 magic skill with weak damage, and Monk has none. Your comment failed the topic by 99%.

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