Tree of Savior Forum

cleric2+Diev3+priest2+druid3, any good?

Hey, i want to build my healer, but i need some damage so i can do solo quest.

is this good build?

if not, can you pls give suggestion?

anything in cleric tree is good as long as you put love and effort into it :blush:

like you reeealy need to be dense or mess build on purpose for it to be bad…

EDIT: here I will add the advice as I look through skills base on my experience…

1- Fade can help you a lot with placing statues when going solo, so having points in it can be good instead of deprotect that you wont be using much later…

2- you dont need that many points on vaka, zemyna and laima are the important ones and the ones you will be using the most on party play…

3- I would take monstrance and resurrection over other 2 on priest as the others can be found on shop and better…

i pick dievs for party,
and yeah i think u’re right. should i change cleric2 for miko at 10 rank?

3- I would take monstrance and resurrection over other 2 on priest as the others can be found on shop and better…

ok, thanks. :smile:

If you plan to heal, I couldnt live without Cleric3 “Linger” attribute.

You dont need blessing as the pardoner one is better for only 800 silver.
Deprotected zone is good on paper, but bosses wont stand still and everytime it moves from it, debuff will reset. So drop it and put it on fade.

Your diev points isnt good as well.
You should max Laima and Zemyna. Vakarine is not needed, but I guess you could add one point at it. Klaipeda scrolls is 500 silver and you are missing out a lot. I can see you really like Owl, but max Laima and Zemyna, the rest you can study based on what you want to do.

in gods name, get Stereat Trofh.

Cleric 2 is good, miko will add too many low level skills to your pool…

remember you got a limited amount of skill slots…

so i need to change the dievs skill points mostly to laima and zemyna, and i currently tring dievs, but owl is kinda useless in some case. so i’ll change it,
should i change it like this:

and any suggestion on rank 10, instead of miko.

Good ( 20 characters )

Well… Druid 3 is not for support, imo.

So Miko there doesnt really make much sense…

Spr scalling and druid doesnt really mix. You first have to decide what you want.

How much you want druid3? Awooo?

yeah i now, but i like half support. :smiley: