Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric new classes ideas

shaman (support/dps)
shamans use water and ligtning to deal damage from afar, they can also summon their water pet to heal and buff allies
waves of dignity : deals x amount of damage to enemies, increases atk and def of allies in the wave proportional to the amount of enemies hit, lasts 5 seconds can be stacked 2 times.
looks like : a wave duh lol
typhoon:deals x amount of damage to an enemy and slows for 10 seconds
looks like : a water whip (?)
pool: heals allies in aoe, last 10 seconds
look like: ripples of water
twilight water: fears all enemies in aoe ( fear = a cc where you run around mindlessly) when aoe dissapears all feared enemies take massive damage
looks like: pool ^ but is dark and has a moon above it
bubble : traps enemy in bubble for 5 seconds, deals x amount of damage and silences. when bubble pops enemy takes massive damage and is debuffed, vulnerable to water elemental skills
looks like : a bublle, enemy floats above and pops then enemy falls to ground

inquisitor: (full dps ranged magic)
has alot of debuffs and a lot of damage
vex : deals x amount of damage over 3 seconds
looks like : a puple beam
armor of the inquisitor : increases int by x lasts 30 min
circle of distress : deals damage to enemies over 8 seconds
looks like: a pentagram aoe
radical discipline : deals massive damage and applies a debuff, slowing the enemy, when debuff dissapears deals massive damage to all enemies nearby, if debuff is cleansed, deals 50% more damage and harms the cleanser.
judicial privledge : heals inquisitor and resists next 4 attacks
punishment : stuns enemy every 5 seconds for 2 seconds, last 1 minute. if cleansed, heals inquisitor for x and stuns enemy for 5 seconds.

mirage ( support/dps)
mirage uses illusions to help allies and hinder enemies
wall of mirage : heals allies that walk through the wall and cleanses all harmful effects, confuses enemies that walk through wall
looks like: a pink translucent wall
greek eye : deals dot to enemies in aoe and proggresively slows
(enemy gets slower over time)
looks like : a aoe thats a giant eye
deja vu : counters next attack, applies to all allies
vortex : pulls enemies to center of aoe
split clones : turn into a demon, creates 3 identical demons that deal x amount of damage for each attack
holy javelin : throws a javelin at enemy, dealing x damage, creates a aoe that increases int, atk and def of allies in circle, applies 1 stack of holy hindering to enemies in aoe every seconds, lasts 20 seconds, max stacks is 10.
(holy hindering : decreases defence by 5/10% per stack for 20 seconds, duration is reset if another stack is applied.

how do u guys like it? too op? too weak? perfect?

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