Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric Class skill and attribute suggestions

Post rebalancing (and sometimes even beforehand) there are many problems with Cleric skills, especially concerning those skills that have a debuffing nature/buffing nature/healing nature.

That’s why I think some adjustments should be made to make Cleric skills less exploitable by others, giving Cleric players an overall better standing ground.

First of all, I want to talk about tile support skills. They get abused/exploited by other players a lot, sometimes with and other times without evil intention.
I’m mainly talking about Heal,Cure,Safety Zone,Ein Sof,Healing Factor.

I believe everyone has a right to be the benefactor of his own skills, as it’s done for the other base Classes [i.e. Swordsmen,Archers,Wizards]. If skills are not partywide buffs but singular instances, I don’t understand why Cleric is the only base Class that has to have its skills exploited for egoistic reasons of other players.

I think Cleric needs a toggleable Class attribute that makes aforementioned skills beneficial effects to be only recievable by the caster.

This would remove a lot of stress from the Cleric player in his freedom of gaming, as he can focus normally on being efficient without having to worry every time he casts one of those specific skills if anyone else could just grab his buff effect and get away with it, ruining the Cleric players gaming experience.

This is especially grave in the case of Heal,Cure and Safety Zone. Heal and Cure are also damaging skills, and relinquishing them instead of using potions uses up quite a bit of the possible damage output, especially on builds which focus on non-damagedealing Classes. So basically it’s sabotaging the damage of a fellow player/party member.

But that’s not all. The main problem is that those skills scale with skilllevel, so builds with only Cleric C1 or lower levels of said skills with suffer even more if their skills are consumed by others. E.g. Cleric C1 Safety Zone has only up to 10 blocks, which are quite quickly used up if someone else stands in your Safety Zone to have his ass protected,too.

If you set up a Safety Zone and then try to cast several other skills, e.g. crafting a statue/statues,followed by debuffs to optimize your damageoutput, chances are high that the hits are used up by the party members who just run inside your Safety Zone so they can laze around, not having to actively dodge/block the attacks while spamming their skills. Meanwhile you, still casting your skills, are left without any protection and in enforced melee range to the enemy to hit with your skills. If you get knocked down/back while casting, your setup may be damaged/broken and a skill wasted -> on CD.

Same goes with e.g. Heal level 5/Cure level 5, if someone decides to snatch your Heals away/run over your Cure you can’t do anything, even if the Heal/Cure was meant for you/for damage.

Heal and Cure could also be protected by a no-healing attribute that removes the Healing/curing effect from the skill, but that could cause a problem for the Cleric player himself, that’s why a no-share attribute for non-partywide buff effects would be better.

In the case of Ein Sof and Healing Factor, which are skills with relatively long CD times, getting them snatched away by mistake or with evil/egoistic intentions is never an enjoyable thing to happen.

Since TOS uses the tiles system to avoid target based buffing/healing, there should be a system that prevents the possible exploitation/griefing caused by and through this system, which can only be granted with a Class attribute or game mode that allows or removes the availability of these effects to others.

Last but not least: Double Chance needs a similar attribute which allows only the caster to toggle the debuff effect(i.e. the multiplication of damage).
The skill needs so much setup time only to be immediately used up by a random autoattack/weak skill of other players that it’s not funny.

You can’t personally benefit from this effect at all in reality as it requires so much coordination and the cooperation of all players and A.I.-controlled entities (i.e. companions,zombies,Wizard summons e.g.), which is ± impossible in the case of the latter ones.
A skill only made for solo gaming [and without companion/zombies involved] is a pretty sad skill.

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reserved for skill/attribute suggestions

You’re complaining because the support skills of support classes are being used to support and can’t be used ONLY to deal damages/for yourself ?
I can’t wait for Chronomancers to come and say “I want to be the only one to benefit from Haste, Pass and Quicken !”.
Thaumaturges being all “I want to be the only one who benefit from my power-buffs !”

The point of those classes are to support, not to only care about their own asses. These classes are lucky enough that their support skills (Heal, Cure) deal any damages. Heck, Heal is even one of the best ground aoe skills when mixed with Blessing.

The only issue with any of the support skills is the fact that Blessing affects non-party players (It should be part only, why does it affect non-parties ?! And why the hell is it possible for a noobie Blessing to overwrite a much better Blessing ??)

Even if I’m pretty sure IMC will never consider this, it’s astonishing to even see it as a suggestion.

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I have a similar but different problem. With higher ranks people will want their own buffs in the slots while pardoners for example still want their extra attack line party buffs. That’s why sacrament, last rites and similar skills should have egoism attributes imo.

The suggestion is not aiming at party buffs, you seem to have not read through my suggestion at all.

It’s aiming at the buffs which only have a single instance and hit-/use count (or multiple instances in the case of Heal) which are enforced freely accessable to everyone[i.e. they are enforced to share even single target skills while Swordsmen/Archers/Wizards usually don’t share anything aside from party buffs].

Imagine if Everyone could take away your Pain Barrier/Gung Ho because it’s fixed as a ground tile buff, or if Running Shot/Limacon/etc. was a thing that everyone could just pick up/take it away from you.

What I suggested was just to give Clerics the option to make those buffs selfbuffs to be sure that you actually are the one benefitting from it instead of some random guy/party member who doesn’t need the buff.

In the case of Heal and Cure, they are both mainly damaging skills[my Heal e.g. hits for 10+k damage but only heals for 5%(which is around 2,3k in my case) +~400-600 HP per instance]. That’s why they have a damage% attribute. They are also the only options to deal damage for the base Clerics, so you think it’s right that everyone can take away your damage just for his own benefit?

Imagine someone [i.e. another player] standing in your way when casting Bash would reduce Bashs damage or block it, wouldn’t you feel agony if this happens?
Wouldn’t it be unfair since you invested your time&ressources to see a different outcome?

The same thing applies to Safety Zone. Cleric skills are enforced point blank range since they have Safety Zone, but if someone else stands inside the AoE,he reduces the hitcount by his presence,too.
Enforcing the Cleric to level up Safety Zone just because someone else can stand inside it isn’t fair.

It’s not astonishing at all. Everyone has the same rights and has to have the same protection against abuse/griefplay. If I get griefed/sabotaged by other players, I have the right to complain and suggest an alternative which would benefit others as well.

Having a toggleable restrictive mode (e.g. by pressing a certain button on the keyboard/joypad, similar to the “target lock”-function)/attribute/ability would provide the people much more freedom/developement potential when they play Cleric [i.e. they toggle,put down their Ein Sof/Healing Factor and are free to take it at any time, even if other players run over them, after that toggle off and can offer e.g. their Heal if someone needs it]compared to the current state where the Cleric is the only Class left unprotected to abuse/exploitation by others.

It would also benefit the Bokor Class that has constant troubles with Zombies taking away Heal tiles because they are periodically losing HP, to put down Heal for damage/self-healing purposes.

If you can’t understand my points, then either there are no trolls/noobs/indifferent people on your server or it has an amazing basic etiquette. On Fedimian, there is no such a thing, and that’s why I’m frustrated enough to suggest this.

While motivation may be different the effect is the same. Clerics need an egoism attribute to isolate their skills from teams when it is the the more profitable option for either party to do so.