Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric c2 > priest c2 > r5 > r6 > pd c2? And some doubt about certain skill combo

Hello, my first topic on forum.

I’m not well-verse in cleric (mainly play swordie -*-) so I’d like to gather opinion here for my dear friend’s build.

She’s currently rank 4, intend to be pve full support (before). Then claiming that priest c3 or cleric c3 not worth it…and decide to go mix and match something before reaching plague doctor like this.

cleric c2 > priest c2 > bokor c1 > diev c1 > pd c2
with skill choice as below link

combo synopsis: something like boosting incineration through various debuff choice (monstrance/deprotected zone/bokor skills), spreading them with pandemic and watch everything kaboom to kokocrunch, or so she say in the last part. 0

Yeah, this is far from meta or defensive full support. I kinda understand that playing totally dedicated full support role can be boring. (I’m more in favor for her to pick oracle and kabby but, oh well….)

I just would like to know if her combo plan practically works out well or not, something I also doubt myself. Although I’m quite concerned that maybe she focuses too much on her combo and neglects any form of defensive skills.

I guess I can afford to gear myself more defensively but not sure if it will ever be enough. -*- I only wish for her to have a fun time if she can actually make combo to her heart content.

Thanks in advance for every opinion! :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t recommend it.
Damage is good, but it’s quite low on support skills and diev1 is almost wasted with a better skill point set up.

Imo priest is best as priest1 or priest3+chaplain. Nothing else really comes close to a fleshed out build. For now at least.

Also pandemic can’t spread incineration, it only spreads vapors/hexing and a few other debuffs. Incineration is better used with a maxed skill lvl tbh.

So something akin to:

  • Cleric2/Diev3/Priest/PD2, far more defensive but stationary.
  • Cleric2/Bokor3/Priest/PD2, more offensive but still not to bad.
  • Cleric2/priest3/chaplain/pd2, better as a spr/int hybrid. Boring but good middleground of dmg and
  • Cleric2/Priest/Paladin3/PD2, spreads conviction + vapors via pandemic. Tedious to level though.

And skill point wise there’s a ton to improve.
I got more information over here: Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics