Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric Build Help for ET with Group

like u see on anothers post. u need get a comby of 2 cleric on every ET party u can complement a friend or make a build hard sup or hard heler by your hown.
2 independent build are
full sup: cleric/krivis3/diev3/tao full int. almost 100 con.
full heler: cleric2-3/priest2-3/whatever1-2 / inqui

i chose krivis/diev*3 cuz can match with a loot of partys with another cleric-priest-whatever inqui. this is a coomon build but my build supply whatever’s supp char

Looking at your friend’s build, I think Cleric2>Diev3>Miko>Priest>xx would complement it well. Diev3+Miko for all the statues, 5 owls really help the DPS. Priest is really needed for high level ET or Solmiki. Please bear in mind that Meltis+Ausrine only works with a Chrono. .

For R8, you might want to consider inqui. Kagura dance has synergies with PoA and the wheel. Additional damage is really nice since your krivis friend need to keep channeling meltis and a chrono usually doesnt have any DPS at all.

Thanks for that @javier.mendez and @Raichu6 Ill definitely keep that in mind, Right now im leveling the toon (Deiv2 atm) and its a blast to play with friends so far, I didn’t consider inqui but you make a good point. what with the kagura dance and wheel/pears.

Im just worried that I wont have any good damage besides owl/miko stuff, and it wont scale well with rank 8 mobs unless I attribute it to 80+, Witch is why im considering going PD2 still. But I think its a bad idea.

We will have a chrono/cryo/sage for sure, we have a couple of them in the group.

@Locke34 Practically Kagura dance gives another additional line of damage for physical attack, and wheel/pears are considered physical. You might want to check my guildie @Nekorin build [Build] Nekorin's PVE Miko INTquisitor . There are some videos there for your reference also if you are interested going that path