Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric attack rework: make skills scale with your highest attack value

If you’re trying to salvage the broken things in the Cleric tree, then this is not the way. I personally think the Cleric tree is fine as it is and all IMC needs to do is rework (rework, not buff up, as in a complete overhaul) the mechanics of classes like Sadhu or Bokor. THEN the class will be complete.

Cleric is a hybrid class, but there is always the choice of going pure physical/magical or going mediocre on both. That’s what I call a free customization. Your suggestion here is counterproductive to the degree of freedom as if everything can scale off one stat, then absolutely everyone will spec to the same stat and carry the same equipment. Clerics can try to be hybrid and transcend physical and magical equipment like you said OR they can ignore one stat for the other. Nothing is broken here, you’re looking at the wrong way.


If you want to deal magical/special damage then calculate with the related primary stat. If you want to physical damage then calculate with the related primary stat. If you want to deal both, find your (the player) balance. This is a fundamental principle for balance in character development in vg design, even if there is space for some expetations. With other words I agree with the most others here and I do not see the need for such a system.