Tree of Savior Forum

Cleric 3 - Paladin 3 Melee Build Stats

Hi everyone,

im building up my Paladin at the moment. I have some questions, because i didnt get some parts of the paladin guide. ( Paladin Build Compendium and FAQ [Updated 29/04/2016] )

Currently i got 60 STR, 40 CON, 20 SPR, no dex, no int

Dex is not important, i never did a crit and i never will i guess, so STR is recommended, right? Or should some points be invested in DEX?

The guide says 70-150 to int, but i dont see a reason, my heals are big enough, when i become paladin c1 i get restoration, which will boost them again, so 70 points will not help a thing here. And besides healing there is not a single spell.

so i though i will level STR and CON only.

Is this okay for PVE/PVP`?
Why should i spend points on int?
Is there a reason for no DEX?
Will i do more dmg if i spend some in Dex, because i can crit, that scales with my STR?

Cleric does not have any offensive skills based on STR, that’s why the guide suggest to take INT so you can go through Cleric stage using Heal and Cure as both Offensive and Support Skills. If your planning to keep on using AA with your Cleric, you will have a very slow journey towards getting to Paladin.

DEX is important for PVP. If you’re going for PVE only, equipment can help compensate for the lack of the STAT so your accuracy will still be workable.

Aside from the SPR builds that the guide suggests, most of the builds suggested to invest in a bit of INT to get you through the early ranks more smoothly.

Can’t comment though why you’d want to go get Cleric Circle 3. Circle 2 is enough to get all the things you need.

Try to read through the guide again, the sections are pretty much detailed out in the different routes you take. The guide offers several builds, you might be confusing one for another.

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