I wouldn’t mind seeing an entirely new class area, as in a new base class, solely built off of gunpowder. Like a hybrid class, one with melee and range. His ranged abilities require reloads, which acts as the CD, while his autos are pretty weak. Something like that would be pretty cool, as well as requiring team dynamics just to keep them in the fight.
It’d also be interesting to see a class with a gambling type of skill.
(Ex: Dice rolling for a buff for the team )
Of course, it’d be a double edged sword.
Warrior is the best <3
i would like to see the Summoner class with debuffing abilities and traps ( heavy Crowd Control )
and i know the thief have been merged to the archer but i think it’s need more ranks on it side like katar wielder.
and finally i want alchemist class or at least ranks from the wizard
None really, and if they do add more classes I hope they are NOT anime and/or feudal japan based, there are enough of those already in pretty much every single MMO.
Alchemist already in the wizard branch… as for katar or dagger wielder i think it will come out from swordmans class as a melee focus branch… unlike archer for ranged focus
Wizard that has earth/electric/water element powers, a class that uses big gatling guns, and a class that uses machines to fight.
I would like to see some really clever support classes. Like Chaos mentioned, Final Fantasy does have some nifty ideas for support type classes. Instead of having a bunch of warriors, ranged, mages, healers, etc… I would like to see some classes that are heavy debuffer’s or maybe even a necromancer would be cool as I’ve not seen a necromancer in a 2D type animation game before so I think that would be really cool. I think with 80 classes already added though there will definitely be a class for everyone.
Aside from most people mentioned (assassin, bard, dancer, spellblader…)
A class focused on Blood Spells, using HP as resource, sucking blood from enemies and such.
That reminds me of Vladimir from LoL that would be cool
Well, it doesn’t need to be a vampire-ish character. haha
I can think of Sorcerer/Sage from FF Tactics, where you had Blood Oath to cast spells using HP, and Drain to get it back.
Bloodmagic, maybe? Uses SP early, then can sacrifice health instead, and can actually drain enemies and give their health to allies?
Would love to see some sort of musician, like we had back in RO. Other than that, I can only think of a Warlock
Someone mentioned Cannoner.
My idea comes from Atlantica.
- High Stun ability
- AoE
- Low - Mid physical damage
- STR and CON
Circle 1
- Skill 1: Short range cannon attack (single target), mid cool down, low range, low damage, knock back far away. Each level increase damage and accuracy.
- Skill 2: Long range cannon attack (AoE), mid cool down, long range, mid damage, slight chance of stun. Cannon attack takes 1 second (similar to casting a spell with Surespell), which means opponent can move away from target area. Each level reduce cannon attack time.
- Skill 3: Reduce cooldown on cannon attack (single buff). Equip cannon ball faster
- Skill 4: Slightly increase stun chance (party buff), and slightly increase stun chance on missed target by cannon attacks
Circle 2:
- Skill 5: Long range cannon attack (AoE), long cool down, long range, low damage, knock up everyone, slight chance of stun. Cannon attack takes 1 second (similar to casting a spell with Surespell), which means opponent can move away from target area. Each level reduce cannon attack time.
Circle 3
- Skill 6: Short range cannon attack (small AoE), mid cool down, short range, low damage, remove magic on ground, slight chance of stun. Each level increase AoE area.
- Skill 7: Short range cannon attack (ally buff), mid cool down, low range, knock your ally in a short distance. Each level increase the distance.
Skills Justification:
Skill 1 - Defensive attack, knock opponent back
Skill 2 - AoE stun
Skill 3 - Reduce cooldown, but since all skills has CC, it is best to maintain a 10 seconds cooldown for slight chance stun
Skill 4 - Party buff
Skill 5 - knock up opponents from casting or on a magic circle (eg. knock up from Safety Wall)
Skill 6 - Disallow magic (both ally magic circle or opponent AoE)
I myself would like a Dark Knight, that wields a scythe as it’s main weapon it would be more of a damage class under swordsman of course, that sacrifices hp to deal loads a damage, but also has access to dark magic like drains absorbs etc., but mainly a DPS Secondary weapon would be a greats word. Yes very similar to the Final Fantasy version, but not the tank one the DPS one. Dark Knight is more fit for DPS imo.