Tree of Savior Forum

[Class Suggestion] Astromancer/Astromage

Hey guys! Lately I’ve been watching this game development and saw some of the upcoming classes, which got me pretty upset as I saw absolutely NO star-related classes in the game, so…

Well, I decided to suggest one of course!

Here’s the idea: The class will be named Astromancer [or Astromage?]. It draws power from the stars and star signs, and its spells may even get stronger in specific times of the year.

poorly drawn representation of an Astromancer
yeah, the “cloak” is one-sided only
it’s pretty much asymmetrical, deal with that

##“It draws power from the stars and star signs…”

The Astromancer skills are all based on constellations and cosmic power. All of its spells consume a specific item, Cosmic Dust, which can be bought or synthetized through one of his skills. It’s a support class, but don’t fool yourself - Astromancers can bring some havoc on their own.

##The fault really IS in the stars.

Astromancers are a Rank (?) common class - it has 3 cycles and is listed on the common class advancement. All of their skills can only level up to 5, though, different from most common classes.

The quest to become an Astromancer is based on the search for englightenment - the stars were long used as a book to the Goddesses, keeping secrets only the chosen may know.

Join the Master Astromancer in his journey for knowledge and witness the power of the Wonder Beyond.

##The light in the darkest sky with the heat of a all-consuming Sun.

The Astromancer skillset is based, mostly, in group support. But it can also be a menace to those who dare face the power in the stars.

About the skills: I know there ARE too many skills, and ToS usually gives 7-8 skills per class, but I couldn’t help but suggest one for every zodiac constellation. I ask of you who can read to tell me which ones (6 of them, preferably) are the most appealing/interesting, so I can rework them, change their thematic and delete the remaning ones.

First Cycle
(Skill name [cosmic dust cost])

Sol Plea [0]: Channels for 60 seconds, generating Cosmic Dust in the process. Sol Plea can gather up to 100 Cosmic Dust per cast and has no cooldown. Max level 1.

Aries Protection [10]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle [:aries:] on the ground. When a party member steps on it, the next [X] damage taken by all the party members is redirected to him, dealing only 40% of the said damage (20% if Fire-related).

Aries, let our wool become gold and plated!

Taurus Seduction [5]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle [:taurus:] on a target location. When a party member steps on it, all the monsters in a [really big] range will be attracted to him, taunting them and charming for [a couple?] seconds.

Taurus, let us have your might!

Gemini Allegiance [10]: The Astromancer casts two magic circles [:gemini:] on the ground. The first two party members to step on them will become linked for [?] minutes. If one of them die, the other becomes immune to all damage for [X] seconds immediately.

Gemini, let us know your grief!

Cancer Claws [5]: The Astromancer imbues himself with divine strength, dealing [+X%] Physical Damage for [Y] seconds and ignoring damage reductions completely.

Cancer, give me your courage!

[side comment: srsly the crab bit a demi god during his fight with a hydra, it had balls]

##Eventually, more stars would show up. Their meanings, unknown.

Now, the Astromancer and his fellow equals had to find out about the new constellations. Hidden in the darkest places, the truth about the stars were to be found only by those who can understand their power.

The Class Advancement quest relies on helping the Master Astromancer in finding the truth about the new constellations in new places, facing a forgotten danger sent to oblivion ages ago - for good reason.

Second Cycle
(Skill name [cosmic dust cost])

Leo Grandiosity [15]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle on the ground [:leo:]. The first party member to step on it receives a buff, reducing all physical damage taken by [X]% and frightening the first [Y] enemies to attack him, stunning them.

Leo, torment our enemies with your howl!

Virgo Plentitude [30]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle on the ground [:virgo:]. Every party member to stand on it will have their SP regeneration increased by [X]%. The circle lasts less time the more party members stand on it, having [Y] seconds as its maximum duration.

Virgo, help us harvest our magic!

Libra Balance [15]: The Astromancer casts a magic trap on the ground [:libra:] that lasts [X] seconds. The first enemy to step on it becomes snared and loses health until his and the Astromancer’s %HP are equal. This does not work on boss monsters, and won’t snare players in PvP.

If the Astromancer has less %HP than the enemy, the circle breaks.

Libra, bring us your flawless justice!

Scorpio Bane [10]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle on the ground [:scorpius:]. The first party member to step on it becomes imbued with Scorpius Poison for [X] seconds. Anything attacked will become poisoned, losing health for 5 seconds (the effect can be refreshed). The larger the enemy, the greater the damage.

Scorpio, assist us against the enemy!

##The truth is revealed. The stars are clear. But a last menace shall be dealt with.

The Astromancers finally found their long-seeked knowledge. But their curiosity also released a long-sealed danger that threatens this world once again. It their duty to use their new awakened powers to seal again the 12-headed demon.

The last Class Advancement quest for the Astromancers relies on helping the Master Astromancer on sealing back a being of pure darkness, who wants to devour all the stars in the Wonder Beyond.

Third Cycle
(skill name [cosmic dust cost])

Sol Request [0]: Instantly generates 300 Cosmic Dust. This skill has a long cooldown. Max level 1.

Sagittarius Accuracy [10]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle [:sagittarius:] on the target location. The first party member to stand on it receives full accuracy and a [X]% increase to Dex.

Archer classes will also receive a attack speed buff as long as they stand still, increasing it by [Y]%.

Sagittarius, bless our weapons with your precision!

Capricorn Care [30]: The Astromancer buffs all nearby allies with a sigil of healing for [X] seconds. Any healing received by those buffed will be magnified in 300%, for up to [Y] heals.

Capricorn, support us and give us vitality!

Aquarius Flood [30]: The Astromancer channels a spell in the target location. For up to 10 seconds, a heavy rain curses the sky, changing enemies’ property to Water for 10 seconds and dealing [huge] damage.

When the effect ends, all frost damage taken by the affected enemies is increased by [X]% and freezing effects can’t be broken by damage for [Y] seconds.

Aquarius, rain down your rage upon them!

Pisces Link [10]: The Astromancer casts a magic circle [:pisces:] on the target location for [X] minutes. As long as the Astromancer is in the same map, any player who steps on it will warp directly to his location.

If the Astromancer casts Pisces Link again, while in the same map, he’ll teleport back to the magic circle location, breaking it in the process.

Pisces, let us never be lost and stray!

So, guys, this is it. Gotta admit, this took a while.

I hope you guys appreciate. If there’s any suggestions, grammar corrections or stuff like that, feel free to comment. I’ll be watching this for pretty a while.

I know player-made projects are rarely seen or taken in account by the companies behind the games development, but I do think this game needs an Astromancer class.

Oh, and, if any of you got drawing skillz (better than mine, at least) and want to help me develop something more visual, I’ll appreciate. Let us all make a proper class out of this, hm?

Thank you, and have fun (waiting for iOBT).


i will read this topic later XD

but i liked the idea :smiley:


A little long for me as well,but I like the idea and costume concept :sparkles:


We have Taoist for that. (At least based on the culture/background of the class itself) :slightly_smiling:

Taoist should have connection with stuffs like Chinese astrology, Chinese zodiacs, Chinese alchemy, feng shui, etc.

5 dieties in Chinese astrology :
Venus—Metal (White Tiger)
Jupiter—Wood (Azure Dragon)
Mercury—Water (Black Tortoise)
Mars—Fire (Vermilion Bird)
Saturn—Earth (Yellow Dragon)

Chinese zodiacs : Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.


There are real differences between a Taoist Priest, which is a priest to a common religion, to an Astromancer. Even their zodiac is different.

First, the first one is… a priest. Think of it as something more focused on deities rather than mystical forces.

The Astromancer focus on constellations - at least, the 12 zodiac ones - as root of all his magic.

Remember, also, this class is way more focused on the “meaning of the stars” than worlds or space bodies.

But, I really appreciate your feedback - everyone’s, to be fair. And, if Taoist is to be some sort of priest that gathers powers from the stars, I’ll be happy enough with him.

whats a cycle?

h…how many skills is that? 30? even with 3 circles, max skills should be about 8. this is because u have a limited amount of skills u can shortcut on your keyboard. i dont have to tell you.

and of course, without even reading them i know they are viable. be sure to have at least 1-4 skills/8 that are completely useless. thats how ToS works.

Well, thank you for your feedback.

There are, in total, 14 skills. 2 baseline - obligatory - and 12 optional.

The skills are also part of the suggestion as a whole - when I designed this, I never expected it to make it into the game. Even if it did, I didn’t expect all the spells to come into.

As a suggestion, I didn’t design a class. I suggested a mold to one.

But, I do understand you.

Also, thanks for saying they’re all viable. Gotta kinda worried about how useless my skills could become. Even though you’re right about half of them being useless, always.

Anyways, thank you for your time AND your feedback.

Oh, also, a cycle is how some people call every step of a class evolution. Wiz 1, Wiz 2, Wiz 3, for example. Three cycles. Or circles.

no way they add that many skill to a class,c1 normally have 3-5 skill,+1 or 2 on c2,+1 or 2 on c3

Hello. Thank you for the feedback.

As I said in an earlier answer, I do not expect this class to actually become one in ToS - it is just a sketch, a suggestion, a mold. Even if it did, I know its name could be changed, the number of skills would be lowered to nothing and it wouldn’t even look like what I designed just there.

But I do understand your concern and I agree. Thus, all those skills - at least 12 of them - are, also, suggestions. Not all would make it into the game if case my class became an actual one.

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but with some tweaks it does have a tos feel to it?
it looks like the black mage from FF.

if you’re interested into developing it further into a concrete character

  1. its a wizard so all healing buffs are probably out
  2. most % buff are probably out
  3. the cosmic dust should be like dierv, priest, and sapper; 1 mat cost
    but idk. personally i dont like mats because it further limits and complicates skills. theres mana cost, skill cooldown, and mats? and channeling skills for mat collecting? for 1 minute? idk…
    its hard to analyze so many skills, i would love to analyze it more with
    8 skills, 5 skills c1, 2 skills c2, 1 skill c3 with a smaller focus of theme instead of trying to get all the constellations

if you dont want to do more thats fine too. it just feels like a suggestion for an entirely different game right now.

i said that 1-4 skills should be useless not to frustrate u but because im frustrated. thats how the game is designed right now. the game has so many classes and skills the devs just dont have the time to put enough effort into balance each skill even within a circle.

I’ll see to that. I’ll check what changes I can make so it feels more like ToS’s. I’ll reduce the number of skills and change some of the concepts [also numbers].

Really appreciate your feedback. Thank you for your attention.

Nice idea. However I was kinda dissapointed by the skill ideas.
I think it would be more interesting to use actual meanings of the horoscopes to interpret a skill of some sort. Scorpio for an example would have ton of skill themes to go for instead of going to pick poison which only makes sense if you take it from a scorpion which has nothing to do with the astrological sign itself - which is I why I personally didn’t like the idea.
If you want to make the skills to actually represent their respective horoscope you should do your research on the personalities and other traits the said horoscope has and use your creativity to make them into nice unique skills. Something to think about, aquarius element is actually not water.

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I understand you. Completely.

First of all, thank you for your feedback.

Now, to the explanation: Every constellation has a mythologic tale behind it. Most of my inspirations came from the mythology rather than the “sign” meaning itself. At first, my idea was to embrace this zodiacal essence, bringing the horoscope into the game.

Later on, I decided to keep fidelity to the myths themselves.

In the Greek Mythology, the Scorpio Constellation was once a scorpion, sent by Artemis and her mother to stop the Giant Huntsman Orion, who threatened all wildlife in earth to extinction. A poisonous creature, sent by the gods, got rid of a giant with its very poison.

To that, a place in the sky was granted to the said scorpion, thus giving birth to the Scorpius [or simply Scorpio] constellation.

That’s where the poison came from, and it’s extra damage on larger monsters.

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Well I sure didn’t think about that, well nothing wrong with that then I guess. My bad. :slight_smile:

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Aquarius element is Air not water.

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Hi. Thanks for the feedback.

So, yes, I know its elemental aligment is air, but we’re talking about the constellation myths here.

As I said earlier, I’m not using the horoscope as an actual inspiration. I’m using the zodiac constellations, in fact, but their skills are based on the Greek Mythology.

As Tree of Savior is a game full of references to various religions and mythologies, I couldn’t lose the opportunity to “link” part of the Greek one to the game while also bringing the zodiac into the game.

That said, in the Greek Mythology, the Aquarius Constellation was once a ship, built by Pyrrha and Deucalion, son of Prometheus, to survive an imminent flood. They sailed for nine days until they washed ashore.

The “ice” counterpart deals exactly with its “air” theme.

TL;DR lol hahaha :joy::laughing:

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