Tree of Savior Forum

Class Reset / Soft Class Reset Scroll


During my play on CBT and OBT, I’ve noticed several changes related to class skills ( Updates , Fixes , additions …) and these can impact heavily on the gameplay of your character in PvE or PvP.

Also, Most skill descriptions don’t show the completed functionalities of your skills, you may choose a class because you thought a skill will work in some way but when you level up that skill you find out that it’s either bugged or doesn’t apply the said effect on multiple targets or doesn’t even work on PvP…

This is the second time I lvl up an archer just to find out a skill doesn’t work as intended.

My suggestion is, in this case , to implement a way to either completly reset to your build (including classes) OR reset a limited number of classes while keeping your base class permanently.

Example of a Reset/Rebirth Scroll :

  • This scroll lets you change two of your advancements up to rank 5. In doing so , you keep your skill points but you’ll have to do the related quests to your new advancements. Once you used this scroll, you’ll not be able to use a similar one in a (specific period, ie : 4 months ) or after an update has been made to skills related to your class.

@Staff_Julie , @STAFF_Ethan Please make this come True T.T , many of us have to re-roll everytime.


Yeah, IMC should really look into this, I actually had to reroll twice now as well, a soft reset like this won’t hurt anybody, it’s just a way for us to experiment skills without being afraid of finding out they don’t work the way we thought they were and it screws up our entire build !

I don’t trust skill descriptions that much anymore, they are lacking crucial information, most of them don’t tell everything about the skill and how it works exactly…


I second this, but only due to the harsh trade penalties and restrictions within ones own Team. I have re-rolled a couple times, and each time I re-roll, I have to leave 90% of my items behind because they are not able to be traded. I completely agree with not allowing them to be traded to characters of other Teams (aka families, lodges), but they should be able to be traded within a Team. Also, limiting the trading within a team to 1 item at time as a base amount is awful. Of the 10% of items I am able to take with me, I have to move them 1 at a time.

If the insane restrictions on trading are going to stay in place, than at least let me pay to reset to my base class. I don’t even care about keeping skill points, as the alternative is to re-roll anyway. We already have skill reset pots, add a more expensive one to reset to base class with class level 1 so I don’t have to watch all my items sit on a useless character.

Especially when a lot of the fun in a game like this, with so many class choices and ways to play each class, is trying new builds and finding something you enjoy.

Can someone get Kafra to open service to Klaipeda ?

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines


I think the idea of a soft class reset is good. In a game with so many possible combinations and with skills subject to constant change people need to be able to adjust.

Especially after advancing to a high level. 2 ranks re-settable / 4-6 months seems reasonable. It also fixes the issue of ppl running pve builds to just reset later to a specialized build.


would like to see this implemented also. Maybe if a new rank comes out, we should be allowed to have a class reset :). The way its working right now, you would have to grind an entire new character just to make the class you want. Or if you mess up in picking your class, you would have to make a new character. There should be a class reset potion that takes a lot of materials to craft so it would actually be possible but yet difficult. But not difficult to the point where its better to just make a new character haha.

The game is not casual at all.

My idea of the class reset would of been resting you class back cleric, swordsman, wizard or archer and then letting you be able to rechoose your classes for example: cleric, cleric c2, c3 paladin…