Tree of Savior Forum

Class Overview (KTOS iOBT)

I doesn’t look like that this was posted on the forums before, but i wanted to discuss it here anyway (And in an seperate thread). I found the image originally on reddit.

I’m curious about everyone opinions on this, especially the “hot” combos and the “pro tips by korean players” section at the end.

Swordsman best class? ha.

Similar discussion on reddit:

I think that chart is really, really outdated.

And they say nerf archer when archers is not even mentioned from the so called “Pro Tips from korean experts” :confused:

NVM it looks like it’s outdated

must b outdated

back then barbarian hat savagery and some other stuff

outdated and was made as a joke

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I found it entertaining… Didn’t see it if it was posted before now. All these other guys that are crying about it are taking it too seriously. :smirk:

I’d upboat you but more people would probably take it seriously.

Hmm, anyone got an updated version of this?

PVP: wizard = cleric > archer > swordman
PVE: archer > wizard = cleric > swordman
FUN: archer = wizard > swordman > cleric

SPECIALLY FOR EARTH TOWER: wizard = cleric > archer > swordman

above all legit before lv280 and after lv200 :smiley:

Swordman is really that bad now?
I need to play as a swordman this OBT cuz templar…

i dont think you can rate the fun factor, since thats all personal preference.

yea, can be very very variance :smiley:

ignore it if you’re swordman lover :smiley: not all swordman bad, may be 2/10 are good builds and the rest are rather average :smiley:

I love archer, but i need templar for my guild.
How about archer now?
They buffed it alot?

archer boosted a lot at krToS, you can easily find archer/wizard/cleric videos from youtube but not swordman :smiley:

type “tos 2016 02” at youtube search column for february 2016 videos.
type “tos 2016 03” at youtube search column for march 2016 videos.

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How this outdated? i see it still accurate beside probably a Korean guy made this so some word is not well use.

I have few friends going to play, in order to help them as beginner.
Anyone can list few hottest builds for each class?

Wizard as I know:
Wizard C3 > Elementalist C3 > Warlock C1 for DPS
Wizard C1 > Cryomancer C3 > Chronomancer C3 for Support

How about Cleric, Archer, Swodsman?

find more useful info at wizard class discussion area :smiley:

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