To start off, I am a veteran Magician player with both experience playing CBT1 and now a currently 110 level magician. You can ask me anything. But here are some tips:
New TIP! Solve SP problems! - Occasionally press sit every 10-15 sec or so then stand up immediately, and you will gain the first tick of your sp recovery, very useful trick.
1:2:1 CON INT SPR seems to be the all around balance build, gives you enough HP to withstand stray hits and ample mana regen to keep you going.
A linker class somewhere around your build solves a lot of your mana problems as you can finish off chained enemies with fewer skills.
Elementalist are terrible without either Rank 2 of Pyro/Cryo to take advantage of it’s attribute.
While the 50% more damage on Energy Bolt with sleep seems tempting, the set up time required to do so is not worth it.
It is possible to build a Magic Knight by going Wiz>Pyro>Linker>Thau>Chrono and using a Wizards blade.
Buy pet really early so you can have someone to tank for you.
Always check your class’ master for attribute every time you log in and again right before you log out, so you will never forget to level up your attributes.
Carrying a few campfire is better than chugging expensive mp pot, thirsty? pop a campfire and regen your sp while you are at it, do a quick stretching, bathroom break, etc.
When fighting a boss, analyze it’s pattern first before using your long cooldown skill that requires positioning so you wont waste it (fire pillar, flame ground, hail, etc)
Elementalist skill prominence is very random but it does follow you, you can activate it before you head in the mob for some extra damage. It synergize well with linker as it can hit more enemies randomly
If you have a high enough level ice wall and a psyko class, you can wall your self then swap the boss inside.
Fireballs stays at the map for a good duration as long as their hits isnt consumed. You can fight harder boss by using it at a safe distance then luring the boss to walk over it.
Skill Explanations
Wizard The boring beginings
Energy Bolt - Bread and Butter skill as a wizard, strong early game but quickly gets phased out by the other two elemental bolts to the point that it’s rarely used at all.
Lethargy - On it’s own it sucks, but when you get it’s attribute, monster reserves 20% more damage with striking attacks. Dunno if Earthquake considered a striking for the bonus.
Sleep - This skill sucks, 50% more damage with Energy Bolt? EB sucks to begin with. Might be useful in pvp. Only good when going Wiz 3 for magic missle
Earthquake - Good for flying enemies and pissing off your teammates by knocking a perfectly positioned monster. Also de links linked enemies. The only earth element magic so it has it’s uses.
Surespell - Useful for pvp but for pvm I dont think it’s needed.
Quickcast - Only useful when going with Elementalist, else you hardly gain anything from it with it’s short duration.
Magic Missle - Improved energy bolt
Pyromancer Dat powerspike
Fireball - Might suck at level 1 and you might regret it but it shines at higher level. Stays long at the field so you can try to lure boss to it. Highly recommended
Firewall - Looks good on promotional video but this skill sux bawls at low level.
Enchant Fire - Changes your auto attack bolt to a cool orange hue. Level 1 is suffice since you just need it for the attribute, unless you are a support.
Flare - It has the coolest animation of all but sucks as a skill
Flame Ground - This skill rocks so hard except it cant hit flying enemies.
Fire Pillar - Looks good on paper, but hard to use as enemies have to be still. Also has a long ass cooldown.
Hell Breath - High dot and pushes back but eats too much MP
Cryomancer endless CC
Ice Bolt - reskined energy bolt but with ice element and freezing effect
Ice Pike - reskined earthquake, same with ice bolt
Ice Wall - Freezes enemy and shoots ice particles when hit with a striking attacks
Ice Blast - Bad skill, why would you want to unfroze a frozen enemy?
Subzero shield - reskined reflect shield, you get the point
Gust - I find this skill lackluster as the push isnt enough
Snow Rolling - Probably the only reason you went cryo 3, a fun skill. You can also roll on your own fireball for massive damage, assuming you have pyro.
Frost Pillar - Useful skill for herding enemies together. Works well with linker.
Elementalist jack of all trades
Electrecute - long cast time but hits for a bunch. It synergize with two different attribute for maximum damage (joint penalty and frozen)
Prominence - Powerful skill but has a random trajectory, there is an attribute that lets you minimize the randomness. It synergize well with Pyro 2.
Hail - Long cast time but has a larger area, decent damage but hits randomly.
Stone Curse - Petrify enemy in a straight line, at level 5 it stops them for a long 15 sec giving you ample time to unload your skills. It has a one min cooldown and a long cast time though so not worth it.
Meteor - With great power comes long casting time but if you can pull it off it hits really hard.