Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

hello, can someon tell me what is the pro/con about those build and which is better/viable ?
C2-bokor3-Druid3 l
C2-> priest1 -> sadhu2 - > druid 3

Quick summary would be:

Bokor3Druid3 = Solo play damage build

Priest1Sadhu2Druid3 = DPS mix with utility from Priest for high level content resurrection (ET, PvP, etc)

It would depend on which class you also like to play, i personally dont like the Bokor zombies and effigy sound effect.

With the buff for the zombie in ktos ( spr ), what stat i should go with bokor-druid ? Full spr or mixte 150 spr -50con - rest int ?

hhmmm wolf skill is not consider as magic damage right? so no boost from chappa cards? sad.

There is no possible build like C1-P1-Kv3-Dru3?

or at least 1 circle of krivis on any of that other builds mentioned?

Wolf Skills are physical attack in nature but it is computed using your magic attack. Chappa Cards boost your magic attack by % so w/c means it does boost your wolf skills

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You can do whatever you want! If you want a krivis 3 druid3, go for it!

Will it be the most effective druid3 build? Maybe not. Will it be fun? Probably will if you want a krivis druid!

nice tx sir!


does someone already transform into ‘‘werewolf kid’s’’? (from crystal mine boss)

I am such a build, except I did not take P1. My build is C1-Krv3-Deiv1-Dru3.

Just to let you know Melstis is currently bugged when in a transformed or lycanthropy state, it will not increase the duration of buffs.This is a bug and I have been trying to report it to support for over a month and a half now. @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy
Heres a video showcasing the bug.

Don’t mind the music :yum:

They really need to fix the Lycan mass FPS bug that hits all players on the screen if anything. I have crashed several people in instances before which caused them to not get their cubes.

Hey All! :slight_smile:
Im thinking of replacing my sadhu>PD with a druid as i dont really play that char anymore and i want to make a druid seeing that the buffs it will be getting are gonna be good.
what stats should i go with? I heard lycanthropy scales from STR? if it does i will put more points into Bwa Kayiman.

This is the build i am going for:

what stats do lycanthropy scale from?

EDIT: also zombify can only create 8 zombies? so i can keep it at level 1?

also in videos i see when you transform to werewolf the skills cover your a-g keys. should i not put any skills in those slots?

Depends if you do not mind having double keybinds for certain abilities. I personally have stuff that I will not necessarily be using in Lycan form like Telepath (which can not be used in Lycan form anyways), shape shifting, and Transform etc… on those keys.

oh ok, good idea


lycan dmg = patk+matk

The best way to increase your dmg is investing on a good weapon, stats won’t matter that much, so you can focus on whatever your other ranks may need or spr for more sp pool/regen to keep your lycan costs low

i want to share with you a Lycanthropy ktos video after patch ( not from me )

have fun

Edit: i also found those 2 videos on the forum… also from Lycanthropy after patch



Nice, that build looks interesting!

So, do you have good DPS?
It’s worth krv3 or what would you change?
and if they fix that bug could be more useful?

hi hi

i’m bokor c3 - druid c3 full spr, what type of gems should i use on my weapon?
red gems should apply x2 right?

To clarify, I am full Spr. My build goes best with a team of physical damage dealers, especially if they already have a decent amount of crit rate, crit attack, and/or skills that are prone to crit often.

The damage is good, but not as bursty as a sadhu cleric heal bomber with the same gear (Take what you will from that). Essentially, like a priest/chap, my damage output is the sum of the party, but also like a priest/chap, I can hold my own if needed.

I personally wouldn’t change anything seeing as I am trying to fit a specific niche. If I try to grab too many things I would end up being a “Jack of all trades, Master of none”. That being said, if anything I would change my Diev1 rank to Cleric rank 2.

Melstis is always useful, just not the OP skill it was before. Though to answer your question, yes. Since it increases the duration of almost every buff you or your team can put up, including potion buffs (Hp, Sp, Att, etc).

If you do try my build:

My build is not something you can level with “quickly” without the use of a skill reset, rank reset, and/or party member to help speed the leveling along. If you do not have any of those things, prepare to quest all the way to at least rank 5/6.
This also means it’s not meant to be a build for people who are making their first character.

Flying monsters are your worst enemy, but most flying monsters are squishier than their ground counterparts, so :tipping_hand_man:

Below is my current build. Use it as a template, not a straight cookie cutter. Copy and pasting a build is boring and will not always achieve the same goal for others.

If you have more in-depth questions message me. If you want witness accounts to the strength of my build I can provide you with people to attest to it.