Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Man… IMC is really making it hard to find a reason to keep cards for leveling… :unamused:

Its phisical and benefits from serpentine debuff and has a ghost armor penalty.

I made this small video demo about Lycanthropy skills receiving the additional damage on plant type from my diev attribute.

I never really paid attention to this attribute as i believe it only works on physical attacks.

Damage demo starting from 0:40

  • 8~12k normally
  • 9.9~15k under chortasmata

Can you turn bosses into plant type?

Also, I did some testing with SP recovery. I found that SP does recover at the standing rate in combat but with exceptions. If you’re normal attacking or using certain (most?) skills at the time you’re supposed to get the SP regen tick, you won’t get any SP at all.
It’ll skip that tick and you’ll have to wait another 20 seconds for the next tick.

I don’t have a Druid or Sadhu so I can’t test if their skills/attacks prevent SP regen ticks, but on my Doppel I don’t get any SP when I’m using Cyclone/normal attacking. Pouncing seems to work though.

BTW, Squire food buff and Diev statue stacks for a 5 second tick rate. Sitting doubles the rate to a 2.5 second rate, instead of putting it to 1.

So this makes the 315 purple mace better than the 315 purple rod, even for an INT Druid?

I may be misremembering but I believe that yes, the grass turns bosses into plants too.

Yes, thats what i figured out since i started using the “Show hidden buffs” addon. It shows a hidden buff called “Make into Plant” that affects anything that is on top of chortasmata: ground mobs, bosses, you.

So if you want to take the +20% damage to plant monsters to affect targets you hit while on Lycanthropy, Purple Mace is a cheap option without transcendence. But the only available mace for transcendence with Matt is Skull Smasher, since it boost Carnivory, Cure, Heal, Owls.

Skull Smasher requires 72 high dpk count items, so its a really bothersome item to farm, even tho im on it atm.

Also this is only for DievDruids not really INT druids i believe they shud do fine with a rod.

How’ve you been doing with your druid? After (I’ve been) saying it’s a better monk, I’ve “given up” on mine and considering resetting to a monqui on the next chance IMC gives. The sp cost is just driving me insane. This and that pyroego card was changed from no. of stars to no. of cards.

the best way to cap the mana problems is reducing the total mana pool. them u can use pots lvl 15 or keistas from uphill and mystical cube to keep up the wolf up.

My druid is doing amazing, just partnered with an alchemist =P. 1h of uosis hunting can give me pots for the whole week.

Now here is a ktos video of a druid showing how to use Regenotice addon (with also high sp recovery stat) to keep lycan with as minimal sp pot usage possible.

He is also using a build i just recently theory crafted for my friend, cleric2priest2diev1druid3 , but the build my friend is making is full DEX while on the video seems to be full INT.

The Druid-to-be I’m leveling atm is probably going to do a similar build. Monstrance would be nice as full Dex, but can I ask why take PriestC2?

Revive + Mass Heal are amazing on high level content. Why not? What would you take to replace that circle that could give more benefit that those spells.

Not sure what I’d replace it with, was thinking I missed something with Priest.
Maybe Cleric C3?

Diev has owls/silence tree, Monk has armor break/bleed, Sadhu has OoB/30% defense reduction/50% increased evasion…

To everyone whom I taught how to [target themselves] to use buffs while in Transform (instead of having to target a valid enemy). Unfortunately, it no longer works.

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Transform on a controller is a lot better now, but I’m not sure how to cast Safety zone from Frog transform anymore…

Edit: Seems it’s L1+R1+A (Y for Cure), strange that the L1 Hotbar updates but the L1+R1 doesn’t.

At least I can’t accidentally cancel transform with any B combination anymore.

Edit 2: So it actually seems kind of buggy, it looks like L1+A or Y does use skills if you are targeting an enemy, but it doesn’t work if you are targeting a friendly target (like how it worked before) However L1+R1+A or Y casts the two skills on friendly targets.


Dead thread but … I think they fixed the rooting problem when you’re in transform mode.

Nawp, sadly you still get micro-stunned but not as long as before. So I guess it’s a slight improvement.

Now there is no way of casting SZ in merog mode at a distance from enemy? :frowning:

So far for the method I use with CTRL/SHIFT + Skill, it doesn’t work anymore. I’m trying to play with it a little bit and see if there’s anything that’ll make it work again.

Otherwise, you have to get near and target an enemy to cast your supportive skills.

So, related to this.

Seems pressing shift/control or any key combination that could use the monster hotkey is not interfering anymore.

So previously, if i tried to use World Tres (Shift + 3) or Ausrine (Control +3) it would instantly break the transform because it would also issue a “3” key press.

I messaged the GM a few weeks ago about this on PM then send it as a Ticket so it would get archived properly, and got this message:

So this seems to be a consequence of this bug fix. We will have to ask for a fix for monsters self buffs and self targetting.

But i’m glad im finally able to use more keys on my skill bar =P.

Also, @GM_Orange thank you for your fast answer and solution to this.