Tree of Savior Forum

Class Cycle Reset


I wanted to know, if it’s possible, if you can create a Class Cycle Reset to restart at the first Cycle.
Because I have 75 hour on steam but my best character it’s lvl 88 and I will reroll for a another Warrior.
I’m always recreate a new character (it’s my dozen character, I reroll to the lvl 70-80) for testing and I started getting tired of always repeat a character.
And I’m starting to get tired of the game

Sorry for my english.

I had the same problems that you had.
It really is exhausting. I alredy did many different characters… but, I think, it is a game’s feature.
I suggested once that game could give to players an reset card, just for the skills (dont change the circles, just return skill points). I think that is just good enough.

Up for this, I am currently having a same problem. XD
I have bought costumes and retrieved some freebies in my char but when I reached lvl 80, I felt like the character Path I went isn’t really my style or i might have made a mistake choosing the Path…
So It’s kind of waste to delete the character since I have already Used TP for costumes and stuff and also the premium freebies cannot be traded even with the same account (EXP Tomes / Skill and Stat Resets, other premium stuff thru Team Storage) … I hope You guys can implement a Class Reroll / Reset Scroll for a TP worth the Price.

@STAFF_J @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

you guys have to remember your team level as well. It levels up with the amount of levels your classes have. Atm i am on team level 5 which is 4% extra xp a kill.

There is a skill reset potion in the TP Shop man

Skill Reset is diff, My point is instead of deleting and recreating new characters they should also implement Class Cycle Reroll / Reset Char Class … A Level 80 character is eq to Rank 4 in Class. I had my first character stuck at lvl 80 (went Wiz > Pyro > Psycho > Psycho) and realized it’s kinda not my style and the thing is, I have retrieved and bought costume on this char. It would be a waste to delete it bec of the costumes and freebies from the DLC 1 I bought is on this char. If there’ll be a class cycle reroll (wishing for it) I will def. go for cryo 3. :joy:
I think a 150-200TP price or any price worth this scroll would do…

They are asking for a class reset not just a skill reset. It is a common question and will no doubt be flamed into the ground before long.

They (IMC) should offer the option because 1: Money, bottom line point of a business and 2: Shi* happens and as long as it isn’t game breaking they may as well help people who made oopsies with their 300+ hour character without being punished like this wasn’t supposed to be fun…

Anyways yeah, offer a (balanced) minor class reset plz. That is all.

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It would be good if they put a class reset thing. I’ve already wasted a lot of time of leveling same class characters just to try other circles of that class. I don’t mind if they don’t tho.