Tree of Savior Forum

Class Change Voucher Not Working

I used the Class Change Voucher and it didn’t reset my class neither shown the “Advancement” window. When I tried to use it again the following message shown up: “you cannot earn any more points as you already have maximum”.

Can anyone help please

Class change voucher lv4 gives you 3000 class points, not directly reset your class. If you already have maximum 3000 points of course you’re not allowed to use the voucher again.

To change class open the advancement info.

As what has been said, you only get Class Change Points and not reset your whole build upon using the item. You’d be able to reset classes in the advancement info now. For more info, you can check out some of the changes that happened when Re:Build came

Watch how to change class at 5:24

Thank you, guys. I didn’t realize that the Class Info button was in the mini bar down below. Thanks again.

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