Tree of Savior Forum

Class Attacks/Spells Reset Option

EDITED: This post has been edited because the wording apparently confused people. I repleased “Skill’s” with “Attacks/Spells”, since they don’t mean the same thing in this game.

I know this has been brought up in the past (around June 2015) based on using the forums search function, but I haven’t seen many people mention this since then.

It would be great if there was an option to buy some kind of a scroll (Cash Shop, or otherwise), or even do a special quest that allows you to reset you classes chosen Attacks/Spells.

Seeing as how a game with so many classes inevitably nerfs/tweaks attacks/spells to balance them out, this seems like something that would be great for people who spent a lot of time making their own special build, but find it to be not as useful after a change to a classes Attack/Spell sets.

What do you all think?


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  1. I’m aware you can reset skill points.
  2. I’m also aware that Class Resetting doesn’t exist. Which is why this is being posted. Its a SUGGESTION thread in the SUGGESTION forums…lol

Okay, let me be a bit more clear…Class Attack/Spell reset option…In almost all MMO’s they call it “Skill Resetting”. Skills as in the attacks you use in game. To be more specific:

Fire Ball attack is a skill.
Say you put 5 levels into it.
Now you don’t want it.
So you use the scroll and reset it.

Maybe I should have named the post something else. Didn’t realize the wording was that confusing…lol.

OK, I think i know what you’re saying… but then you say

I’m confused. Do you want a class reset scroll or a skill point reset scroll which already exists? Skill point reset would reset the points you put into fireball.

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Well smack my ass and call me a donkey! I did not realize you could Skill Reset. That’s cool :).

Though I still think a full class reset would be nice. Only because it would be useful for if they nerf an entire skill circle. Let’s say if Elementalist C2 had multiple skills that got nerfed (for some reason). Then you would be stuck with something you can’t really use anymore since (at least from what I’ve read) there’s no way to unlearn one class and change to another one entirely; which basically forces you to level from square one all over again xD.

I doubt they’ll add it, but it would be nice.


I think full class reset is a must because 80% people won’t have the time to level a new character again while the nerf or wanting to try new builds… For me, i don’t mind pay some money lol…