Tree of Savior Forum

Class advancement from wizard

good day
i am on lvl 24 class 15 wizard
but i cant advance to pyromancer or cyromancer
i click the advancement button many times but i cant even choose among the two
there is no button on chooing the next class
i already visited the NPCs but they dont say anything or new quest to finish
what should i do?please a just a newbie to game

Seriously? there is no button at the bottom of the screen that appears after clicking advancement? Could you post a screenshot here?

yes here it is sir
hope you can help me with this prob

i tried clicking pyromancer but no button appears to choose it

do i need to have 3stars on my armours to be able to advance?

no , i think it just a bug :open_mouth:

its already okay thanks
i advance already

Odd no select class button
how did you fix it? @_@

i returned to my server area kleipedia then locate the pyromancer

You probably accepted the advancement for some class and now you have to go and finish the quest you got.