Tree of Savior Forum

CK's Guide to Alchemist

I remember seeing at CBT a shovel item, i don’t remember if it still in the game to be bought and either if it dig stuff like mud, but if it does, all the more to make it useless.

With more events like this garbage harvesting it wouldn’t find hard, specially later on with more gacha crap coming to the Cash Shop. On KR server seem to have Lv 10 gem abrasive.

Its just a guess, as you can see, they change stuff whenever they want and feel like it, the new content forced them to boost gems and hat enchantments, so the same happening to awakening stats wouldn’t be impossible.

True, just for item skin, 1 point would be enough, can put 1 into digging for small utility as you pointed out the mud item and save the rest.

Well, we just have to hope IMC wake up from their retarded dream of make this game a cash grab, i mean, remove that idea from their heads and try to save the game. But at this point in time, with all the damage they caused, only who want to waste money on a broken game will remain.

could you tell me if the damage of the alchemistic missile is good? a build with wizz 3 linker 2 would help him to even kill monsters and solo some end game content?

hmm missile’s damage is the same as other skills… the skill damage + your magic attack + your magic amp…etc… with 1k magic attack and no magic amp my missile at lv 1 hits around 4-5k per. I would say keep 1 level on alchemist missile, especially if your build is like the thread starters (pyro2link2) because there are monster that heals from fire, it would not be a bad idea to have neutral high damaged attacks (link 8 mobs and my skill deals 32-40k, perfect to solo lv 115 dung farming for cubes).

briquetting, might be more useful as inflated numbers go higher.

Though making a (BIS that level is kinda tough itself).

This is more towards for max min players (who want to try their luck and go for the 1 pot + 8% and up isn’t it?).

This greatly ease or can be as good as comparing to throwing millions of silver ( now 315 + 10 = 4m ) for that bonus, nevertheless selling is one of it’s issue. I guess it’s more or less a inhouse application now.

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Pretty good additional damage but not great, my alche with +0 corona(not superior) + arde soloed some rank 8 maps with it. Alche missle was somewhere around 10k per hit.

Totally negligible.
In high level map my lv1 missile deals around 5k dmg
which is quite meaningless with those 300k up HP mobs.

If the map have no active mobs(the bracket jungle areas…),
this is possible for you to solo if you are well-geared.

But if you want to go inner wall or TSC , bring your cleric friends.

What build do you guys recommend as a Alchemist?

I was thinkinkg something like

Wiz > Pyro > Link > Thauma 2 > Alch 3

Is it good?

WIZ>Pyro orCryo>LINK3>Alch3, with link3 you will be able to findo party’s, i recomend pyro(bcus of agni’s)>link3>alch3, you will be able to do the quest’s solo and grind in party’s as linker.

From my experience in 280 up maps ,I think linker 2 is a standard if you still wan to join grind parties.

Due to the skyrocketing HP of mobs , the hit count of linker1 is far not enough , even if many mobs are cannot be linked , you still need linker2 to eusure the utility of linker.

And I see you choose pyro2 for DPS due to the upcoming R8 , but here I want to provide some of my ideas.

My build is pryo2 linker2 , this character is crafted long time ago before R8 , but if you let me reroll it again , I might think about the following builds:

  1. cryo1 linker3
  2. pyro1 linker3
  3. cyro3 linker1

“IF” IMC don’t give good sup mage in R9/R10 , your R9 choice might go back to sage or enchanter.
If want to solo with your alchemist , then pyro2 with agnis + sage copy fireballs + linker multiply damage will be enough at slaying mobs.
If you want to go enchanter( I am planning it anyway) , I will go the 2nd choice for crafting fir enchant , flame ground and JP scrolls to reinforce your party.
But if IMC publish good sup mage classes in R9 , then going cyro3 might be a good choice since you have better choice in R9 so you can discard the useless C1 pyro . Mdef attribute and the CC skills form cyro will never be useless.

Thanks, I’m also thinking of going Cryo1 Linker3, but still not sure

I wanted Thauma for swell body (double xp and loot) isn’t it good?

Rainbow(Cryo>Linker>Thau>Sorc>Alche) Alchemist here(still lvl208 tho), life is hard.

For late game your Cryo1’s main source of damage on boss fights will be shards from IceWall, later on Iceblast on Icewalls once we get the new cryo patches.
IceBlast also works nice to lure mobs to you if there’s no Pelt in the party.

Link3 will shine better in parties with burst type DPSs, still likely/can burst down 50-100k hp mobs if you can JP15>HK>IcePike5 10 linked mobs.
Though as notes in the previous posts later maps will have more mobs capable of resisting links.

Thau, still on the poor side, outside Reversi at C2, which is very situational. I only took it for Transpose for survival purpose, getting higher CON out of high to full INT build due to rank scaling, and SwellBody for some lowlevel mobs farming.

good lord I just finished my alch c3 quest, the one who made this needs spanking

you should probably add barrier on your advancement tips, really made it easy (but still tedious)

gratz, im still r7 now lv 279 (wz c3/linkc2/alcc2)cant finish that ^%^% quest
they give us crappy atk skill then punish us on c3 quest
so we can get 1 more crappy atk skill

just get pass 3k magic attack wiz 3 linker should easily finish it. @_@

Go burrow accessories or full magic gears. Or ask your peer to help you.

I just linked-AA’ed everything with barrier and cafrisun lol


i asked my friend to craft turn undead and spam that, back then pryo linker was trash.

tnx for the tip. slowly working on it (just doing mission/daily on 3 toons,no grind no quest ahahaha)
is rhevisan good on that dungeon have 2 already

No worry. Alchemist is pretty stale. the only good things are for those who have pryo thau linkers. They have more things to do then just make pots

oh btw the alchemist missile is crap but I found nice uses on it

to get through enemy mdef lol

so I maxed it anyway

while doing this quest i got my arhcer & thauma friend ( no angy that time) doing that quest , and imo just lure and kill slowly 1 by 1 and it will work.

dont waste skill point on that crappy alchemist misslie.
every skill point are precious , just click the necessary ones and spare all other skill point waitng for future imc trolls.