Tree of Savior Forum

CK's Guide to Alchemist


Hi , I am CK87 , a player from Varena . Although alchemist is not my main character(definitely it won’t be) , I would like to share some facts and interesting usages about alchemist skills , and hope this article can benefit the upcoming alchemists in the future.
Another purpose to post this article is to , giving some feedback to this forum.This forum helps me a lot while I was naive and weak , so I with through this thread I can also leave some legacies in this forum.


I assume you already reach lv200 up, I will just talk about some difficulties you will face in lv200~lv280.
I am a build with pyro2link2 , In any circumstance I suggest you should have at least linker1 in your build which can makes you a lot easier while searching grind parties in the future.


Will be easy grinding at alemeth and do 200 dungeon , I will skip to lv224~227 , while you doing your alchemist advancement quest.If you are not well-geared , just like me , you may found yourself struggling killing the 45 lapasapes:
Anyway this mob is linkable so it won’t ba a big problem after several deaths from their magic attack.
After the quest go start your another happy trip to evac(Evacuation Residential District) , mobs still linkable , grind there till you can’t get sufficient exp from there.


In this district people often grind at stroage(252~265) and maven(265~281)
While storage strongly need a chrono to help and the red nuos are unlinkable in maven , an alchemist is usually not welcomed in grind party.
Here are the 2 solutions: quests with your in-game friends
2.grind with your in-game friends
I personally suggest the first solution because in current patch you don’t need to save too much exp cards before R8 , and your friend also need to do the quest too , so just do with him/her together. Second solution is quite time-consuming to each other except you really like grinding.
And about the alchemist C3 advancement , unlike other advancement quests as fighting master or boss or press some space bars , you are going to kill 45 elite mobs each in lv282 maps.
The first 2 are contrary easy: kill 45 squirrels in Nheto forest and Beetows in Khamaddon forest .
The one that really bothers you is the Ahklass Hump
It locates at Inner wall district 9 , mobs cast 3 Pole of Agony and long range magic attack which ticks 2000~4000 dmg. The worst is mobs also spawn at your respawn point of the map , so you may suffer from revive and death until someone finally kills the mobs gathering there. The best strategy is stay close to your cleric friend , reach the target area and start to kill mobs 1 by 1 , if you have linker2 like me , you can use share cloak with your archer friend with a scout to make the whole party safe.
After lv281 the exp resets , use your exp cards go lv290 and loot silver from 290 dungeon as a daily.


After the necessary but boring leveling issue , I will cut into the main topic of this article : the skills.
I will start from the important ones:


You may think this skill works like:
WOW! magic missile with a basic attack of 4k up!
and 3 overheat!
and you have linker so you can finally play the JP–>MM tricks as the Wiz3 do.

But in fact the skill is works like:
Yes , energy bolt from Wiz1 with very small AoE and super long cast time.
IMC should really rename this skill to ‘Alchemist Bolt’ to make less people got misleaded , just like me , 1 point wasted.
If you need more damage , just let your friend carry you. Alcehmists are not for damage.




To many people this skill still remain in mystery , I max this skill and I made some experiment on it.
The formula of briquetting fee is still unknown , I ll update it as fast as I can once I figure it out.
First I want to talk about the restrictions of this skill:
1.only can be used on “main weapon”
2.if you turn on the attribute “select appearance” , you can only put “same type” of weapon for material
3.the material must have star number “not less” then the target weapon
The “Select appearance” attribute cost 2m to learn , I believe not a big number to other R8 attributes.
What does these restrictions mean?For high-end players , the 3rd restriction proof that your 315 purple item can hardly be briquetted because they have too many stars which means you may need another 315/330 weapon for material , seems very impractical in current patch.
If you are a player like to troll as me , the 2nd restriction is very frustrated.I was dreaming about taking 2 shield casting super-hurt carnivory , but no , if you want to change appearance , you need a rod for a rod , a bow for a bow , etc. And don’t forget the star restrictions.
But if you don’t care the appearance , then use any weapon fit the star restriction will be just okay.
Now let’s take a look at my superior corona rod:

I spent 2 potential on briquetting this rod. (each time briquetting reduce 1 potential for sure no matter the result is)
Breiquetting is based on the “basic status” of the weapon , anvil effect is independent , and the basic attack of SCR is 267.
For reference :
As you see the rod have a basic attack of 377-81=296 , which enhanced (296-267)/267=about 11%.
Squire weapon maintennece doesn’t effected by this skill since the buff is based on the weapon star and the skill level.
Transcending is based on atk% so I believe the enhanced status will be count in while multiplying with the transcend effect.Worth mentioning is that you have to finish briquet before transcend becuase you need to hand your weapon to your alchemist for briquetting , unlike the item awake you just need to right click the person.
In conclusion , this skill is a gamble but everytime you surely lose 1 potential , and in current patch lacking 315/330 white weapon will make the cost on briquetting endgame weapon extremely high.



Amazingly, this skill have multiple practical usages in game. I will introduce them briefly.
First is on transferring silver.
If you want to transfer silver to some of your newbie friends , this method will helps a lot without an illegal way.

We assume we buy a talt on market of 6000 silver each , and you can definitetly change 10 untradable talts to 1 clean gold bar . You use 60k silver craft 1 gold bar , you can transfer 50k/60k= 83.3% of your silver to your friend without waiting , the 16.7% silver loss is acceptable compared with traditional sell overpriced popolion meat way, which have a 11% silver deduct rate under the assumption that your friend is a token user.
However , as an alchemist while transferring silver with this method you need to be very patient since you need to toggle the talts 1 by 1.But if you think your friend worth your help , just do it ! Craft 20 gold bars for 1m silver!

Second is to help your friends get rid of the RNGesus while something with super low DPK. These items I listed below are very hard to drop which makes merely people can craft it.


Before halloween event you have to challenge the 600~700 DPK to get 1 from the brown tinis , and you totally need 16 for 2 archmage bangles.
But now we can farm “blue tini horn” instead!
In conclusion , 36 blue tini horns can craft 1 brown tini horn , which means you need to hunt 36*16=576 blue tini horns to have 2 archmages.
The drop rate is very decent , from 25%~35% from my personal experience , my cleric use approximately 10 hours to finich the hunt , I believe the wizards and archer calsses can do them faster.


Second one is about crafting Phada.This item is notorious for its material , the dawn fragment crystal , but magnum opus offers a not quick , but sure path to get this ring.
64 loftem debris can craft 1 dawn cryastal fragment. Loftlem is a flying mob and is easy to hunt by archer class , you can get 1 dawm crystal fragment for sure in 1 hour.
Sadly I only have crafted 1 crystal so far because it is extreme time-consuming and actually no one will spend 96 hours farming these debris.

And about how to find out the puzzle , the add-on called Tootip Helper will tell you the answer.
Homunculus is not opened yet in current iTOS , but I had already prepared other materials. I will update further information after it released.The cost of a homunculus will base on its utility and the material prices. Sadly we only know wizards is the only customer for buying it , so I guess the price may be restricted.



Well-known skill. Everyone max it.
Let’s skip the trash talks and just focus on something worth mention.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/3/b/3b7ecc75fca4e5a6457277ad2b71aa133b8d8b8a.png" width="242"height=“288”>

After reaching Alchemist C3 these 2 awful potions suddenly pops out in your craft list.One gives you super HP boost and another one gives you almost infinite SP and they can last forever if you have enough potions in your pocket.Lucky that these potions are untradable so alchemists can still sell their SP potions happily.These potions just gives you a hint that you can allocate your stat more wisely , try makes your INT higher so your fireball won’t just tick 1 in high-level maps.

Farm some raudonelis for yourself if you want to drink these potions while questing.I am just lazy and lame so I wait my guildmates carry me on questing.

For helping newbies gear up , alchemists can also help them with this skill.What I often do is ask the newbie to farm some uosis of certain amount and I trade the item they want to the uosis.This process is almost unprofitable to me because I use 70~80% of the profit on buying the item.
Pros:Uosis easy to farm even for newbies.No 10+1%auction fees
Cons:No profit to you, need long time to recycle the silver you spent.

Next I want to talk about the “profit” you can actually made from tinctruing skill.According to the datas I collected from late August to now , let’s have a brief view into it:(Varena server only)

The X-axis indicates the date from August to today , and Y-axis is the profit you can make per hour.I already put auction fee , uosis/dilgele price into consideration so the Y-axis actually indicates how many silver you excactly earned by crafting 1 hour.Of course I collect all datas I need by myself but its just too trivial so I guess I won’t put all of them on.(one of my daily hobbies, huehuehue.)
From this chart we can see that the profit is considerably stable and just oscillate back and forth before October 13th , yes , the day when R8 release. You can see that the price is just like BOOM! and makes every R8 pioneer alchemists so rich.But with the days proceeding the price is going down and finally back to the R7 days.
But in my opinion, the profit we made is worse then the R7 days.There are mainly 2 reasons.
1.The silver inflation , daily 290 run gives about 400k silver/per character and the silver obtained from gatcha makes the average price of potions raise.
2. The main reason is the server keeps losing population. Alchemist’s profit is heavily related to the population of the server. 2 months ago I can sell about 10k HP potions in 1 day but now I may need 2~3 days to sold them out.Crafting potion all day is becoming meaningless now because the server just can’t consume this much pots you made.SP potions have higher price and not a must-need to many builds so they usually sells slower then the HPs.

Forget to talk about the uosis:SPpotion trade rate.
Trade uosis/pots directly can make both side skip the auction fee.In most cases , the trade rate floating between 1uosis to 2.5pots~3.5pots , which can make both side spare silver.While trading you and your alchemist waste 2 trade count for sure , so please farm more uosis and trade them at once.Getting item in an overweight status will lead to trade failure , and the massive amounts of potions will definitely makes you overweight , so this is why you lose 2 trade count in trading uosis to potions.



Totally not profitable , the shops are just everywhere. But your guildmate sometimes need it , so I think I will reallocate my skill point and invest some to this skill.
Oh the shop tax deducted to 30% , but so sorry , still unprofitable , go craft your potions.


The rest skills are just not that important so I will just introduce them in short.
DIG:Invest 1 for your homunculus.
I saw someone get “Titanium” in my server , but it is nothing about endgame , so let’s just neglect it. Hope oneday I can dig some portiums.
(*Glass piece can be digged at place where there floor made of glass.
For example:Fallen Legwyn.)

ITEM AWAKE:Invest 2 and save your other skill points to others.
Even awaken 315/330 weapons , this boring item dungeon just spawn mobs from lv200 , so just click 2. About this this skill we already have plenty of informations from the iCBT times , and without any buff to this skill the enhancement on your item is just negligible(see all the hair costumes).


Alchemist is a class need a social playstyle. Although the profit is decreasing day by day(look at the scoutC3 farming silver like a wind) , I believe this is still a build worth playing , especially in a guild.I didn’t spend real money in this game , but 1 alchemist not only can support my main char gear up , but also helps my crews growing.

In the future I think i will do some updates like briquetting videos, how transcend effect with it , Homunculus , and more usage on magnum opus.
If theres any question about alchemist / any significant grammar error makes you hard to understand wth I am talking about, please inform me so I can make a correction.

Special thanks to:
Luna**** , Holy****, for helping me kill 45 Ahklass Humps
M**** , my best marijuana trader
Bloodpr****, who enlightened me on the way of TOS
starcarn****, mama**** TS**** ,my loyal guild member who died and conquered ET with me , although just a 5F
Also appreciate the druid thread gives me ideas about my main char,and the hue-lord who makes this game more fun.

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I know that the build will depend on the taste of who is doing it, some stuff i want to clarify.

You can pretty much have most of the skills maxed, except the useless or less useful ones by going Alch C3, you just need to organize your priorities.

As you can see, my progress is pretty simple, will led me to where i want and will have 4 spare points for Brinquetting, as you pointed out, it is another dumb RNG crap IMC invented, the only possible good thing about it is the attribute to change the weapon skin.

Gem Roasting is or will be a must to be maxed, reaching Lv 10 gems is not that hard, take a bit of time, but you can do it.

Combustion is a waste of SP (skill points) don’t cause much damage, waste silver or item dropped and you still have the risk of blowing something you need.
Digging is another crap thing, i picked it up thinking it would help Combustion, but with the large radius of the auto loot function, it became useless same way, but some say you can dig some of the required material for homunculus Magnus Opus recipe, even so, you can use the same skill to transmute the same items.

I decided to put Awakening in max Lv since we never know if IMC will resolve change mob stats based on item rarity and star numbers.

And Alchemistic Missile was an extra, not sure how much damage can pack in the new content, but since taking Linker (C1 or C2 (i preffer C2 and you are certain to get party with it)) it might increase the damage output, also, in low level areas where you will go farm, will help in killing certain elites (Pendimire or w/e it is called at DBF) since they are sure or at least have a 50% chance of drop the material we need.

As for stats, i think a normal offensive wiz stats would work fine, 100 CON and the rest in INT.

Gear doesn’t matter much as long as you can survive while fighting with what you have.

thanks for your reply.

ASAIK craft a homunculus need five muds to craft, I personally dig them out and I am not pretty sure if theres any other way to obtain it.

at least in my server I never see a lv10 gem by myself(I see lv8 as the highest) , guess I will adjust it to a moderate skill point as 7/8

I am pretty sure that missile craps. maybe I ll upload a video about its damage another day.

as you said item awaken may become more difficlut in future patch so I will save some points to them.thank you for pointing me out.

and if briquetting doesn’t have any change , it is also not a profitable skill.maybe invest 1 just for appearance change will just be ok.Just as you said, IMC would make changes to alchemist skills , so save the points will be a wise option.

However I already max my briquetting. so I guess I ll do all the things I can test and wait for another free skill reset potion

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I remember seeing at CBT a shovel item, i don’t remember if it still in the game to be bought and either if it dig stuff like mud, but if it does, all the more to make it useless.

With more events like this garbage harvesting it wouldn’t find hard, specially later on with more gacha crap coming to the Cash Shop. On KR server seem to have Lv 10 gem abrasive.

Its just a guess, as you can see, they change stuff whenever they want and feel like it, the new content forced them to boost gems and hat enchantments, so the same happening to awakening stats wouldn’t be impossible.

True, just for item skin, 1 point would be enough, can put 1 into digging for small utility as you pointed out the mud item and save the rest.

Well, we just have to hope IMC wake up from their retarded dream of make this game a cash grab, i mean, remove that idea from their heads and try to save the game. But at this point in time, with all the damage they caused, only who want to waste money on a broken game will remain.

could you tell me if the damage of the alchemistic missile is good? a build with wizz 3 linker 2 would help him to even kill monsters and solo some end game content?

hmm missile’s damage is the same as other skills… the skill damage + your magic attack + your magic amp…etc… with 1k magic attack and no magic amp my missile at lv 1 hits around 4-5k per. I would say keep 1 level on alchemist missile, especially if your build is like the thread starters (pyro2link2) because there are monster that heals from fire, it would not be a bad idea to have neutral high damaged attacks (link 8 mobs and my skill deals 32-40k, perfect to solo lv 115 dung farming for cubes).

briquetting, might be more useful as inflated numbers go higher.

Though making a (BIS that level is kinda tough itself).

This is more towards for max min players (who want to try their luck and go for the 1 pot + 8% and up isn’t it?).

This greatly ease or can be as good as comparing to throwing millions of silver ( now 315 + 10 = 4m ) for that bonus, nevertheless selling is one of it’s issue. I guess it’s more or less a inhouse application now.

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Pretty good additional damage but not great, my alche with +0 corona(not superior) + arde soloed some rank 8 maps with it. Alche missle was somewhere around 10k per hit.

Totally negligible.
In high level map my lv1 missile deals around 5k dmg
which is quite meaningless with those 300k up HP mobs.

If the map have no active mobs(the bracket jungle areas…),
this is possible for you to solo if you are well-geared.

But if you want to go inner wall or TSC , bring your cleric friends.

What build do you guys recommend as a Alchemist?

I was thinkinkg something like

Wiz > Pyro > Link > Thauma 2 > Alch 3

Is it good?

WIZ>Pyro orCryo>LINK3>Alch3, with link3 you will be able to findo party’s, i recomend pyro(bcus of agni’s)>link3>alch3, you will be able to do the quest’s solo and grind in party’s as linker.

From my experience in 280 up maps ,I think linker 2 is a standard if you still wan to join grind parties.

Due to the skyrocketing HP of mobs , the hit count of linker1 is far not enough , even if many mobs are cannot be linked , you still need linker2 to eusure the utility of linker.

And I see you choose pyro2 for DPS due to the upcoming R8 , but here I want to provide some of my ideas.

My build is pryo2 linker2 , this character is crafted long time ago before R8 , but if you let me reroll it again , I might think about the following builds:

  1. cryo1 linker3
  2. pyro1 linker3
  3. cyro3 linker1

“IF” IMC don’t give good sup mage in R9/R10 , your R9 choice might go back to sage or enchanter.
If want to solo with your alchemist , then pyro2 with agnis + sage copy fireballs + linker multiply damage will be enough at slaying mobs.
If you want to go enchanter( I am planning it anyway) , I will go the 2nd choice for crafting fir enchant , flame ground and JP scrolls to reinforce your party.
But if IMC publish good sup mage classes in R9 , then going cyro3 might be a good choice since you have better choice in R9 so you can discard the useless C1 pyro . Mdef attribute and the CC skills form cyro will never be useless.

Thanks, I’m also thinking of going Cryo1 Linker3, but still not sure

I wanted Thauma for swell body (double xp and loot) isn’t it good?

Rainbow(Cryo>Linker>Thau>Sorc>Alche) Alchemist here(still lvl208 tho), life is hard.

For late game your Cryo1’s main source of damage on boss fights will be shards from IceWall, later on Iceblast on Icewalls once we get the new cryo patches.
IceBlast also works nice to lure mobs to you if there’s no Pelt in the party.

Link3 will shine better in parties with burst type DPSs, still likely/can burst down 50-100k hp mobs if you can JP15>HK>IcePike5 10 linked mobs.
Though as notes in the previous posts later maps will have more mobs capable of resisting links.

Thau, still on the poor side, outside Reversi at C2, which is very situational. I only took it for Transpose for survival purpose, getting higher CON out of high to full INT build due to rank scaling, and SwellBody for some lowlevel mobs farming.

good lord I just finished my alch c3 quest, the one who made this needs spanking

you should probably add barrier on your advancement tips, really made it easy (but still tedious)

gratz, im still r7 now lv 279 (wz c3/linkc2/alcc2)cant finish that ^%^% quest
they give us crappy atk skill then punish us on c3 quest
so we can get 1 more crappy atk skill

just get pass 3k magic attack wiz 3 linker should easily finish it. @_@

Go burrow accessories or full magic gears. Or ask your peer to help you.

I just linked-AA’ed everything with barrier and cafrisun lol


i asked my friend to craft turn undead and spam that, back then pryo linker was trash.

tnx for the tip. slowly working on it (just doing mission/daily on 3 toons,no grind no quest ahahaha)
is rhevisan good on that dungeon have 2 already