Tree of Savior Forum

Chronomancer + Thaumaturge question

Hello, I am trying to make my own build but I am having dilemma about going Thaumarturge C3 or Chronomancer C3.

My Plan is to go Wizard - Pyro - Linker - Thau - Thau - Chrono - Chrono

I looked in topics around and found helpful suggestion that Chrono C3 is much better, but I liked Thaumarturge more and I am trying to make a auto attack build (I know its weird for wizard but it’s unique :slight_smile: ).

My big question is anyone have video about Chronomancer +450% attack speed? Since it seems like a huge deal for auto attack, if it isn’t I’d like to tgo Thaumarturge C3 instead. Thanks!

Could only find a lv10 quicken video. Might be worth to keep in mind that autoattacks are single target only, so you could have a lot of trouble with larger groups, and that swell left arm can get another bonus +150 from leveling attributes.

Thanks for the quick reply! That video helped :slight_smile:
I am probably gonna go for Thau1 C3 then! My friend is playing the Auto attack quarrel shooter build, I thought I would join him as different class which is why I thought of this weird wiz build.

but… backmasking and pass are so good!

chrono3 is an absolute beast.

You could go Linker2 to get Running Shot from your friend.

Auto Attack party!

How backmasking work? That reverse how many second ? Or I misunderstand the skill effect ?

If your friend plays Quarrelshooter a ChronoC3 ist much better. They loves you 'cause of Quicken and Haste.

I don’t think you can get running shot from QS :open_mouth:

You do with spirit chain.