Tree of Savior Forum

Chronomancer Slow

what do u think about Chrono slow??

-30 movement speed is much??

can player still walk at -30 mov spd??

is someone have a video about this skill max skill???

Have you seen Diev’s statue slow? It’s -20.
But you should ask yourself, is it even worth the point invested. Even though the circle might last longer but the actual Slow debuff will end after 10 seconds. You will have to find some way to make enemy re-enter the circle. I can see it might useful in Uphills defense, but other than that, a few points is just enough.

OMG my bad…
my purpose was for PVP lol…

how about the slow againts player at TBL??
is it equal to Diev statue???

and please correct me…

slow -30 mov speed…is it flat 30 mov speed or 30% mov speed??

Slow is -30 flat move speed. So, with token player has 33move speed, with slow it will have 3 move speed.

Omaigod are u sure???

It means they cant move???

3 mov speed is really really slow…

Really 30 (+3 token mov speed) - 30 mov speed (Slow) = 3 mov speed for 10 sec???

Please confirm this

Edit : typo

can i use slow to keep the enemies in my flame ground and fireballs?

Yes. It reduces 30 movement speed. But cata has like +15 bonus from riding a pet, some also have 70% status resistance during rush. Even basic sword cab use dash. But Slow is rank1 debuff, so if you’ve played some PvP you know that many clerics(and enemy team sometimes also because of Oracle, Pardoner or Plague Doctor skills) are very often immune, and if they have some SPR they are also very resistant. So, it is basically not that very better than Sleep status (which stuns for 8-18 seconds/5 hits). Also, these skills have animation and invisible cast time of like 1.5-2 seconds and you might get interrupted.
And Sleep has much lower cooldown than slow.

If you mean monsters - yes, it even works against bosses. But cooldown is high.
If you mean PvP - read my previous post and add that fact if enemy team has Elementalist3 or Taoist which create Rain(huge AoE) which disables your fire skills.

I don’t think anyone would max slow :confused:
This is the standard Chrono skills point

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For PvP Quicken is quite useless(only for Crit attribute), so its not a big deal to max Slow instead. But as I said - Slow is rarely used skill.

im planning on catch an enemy with Stop and wait for its duration to end… and i cast Frost Cloud and Slow them… i think it will hurt them, even if they are jumping…slow is 35 secs cd… not that long

or may be i can Stop - wait Duration off - sleep

and slow CD can be restored by pass

about cleric at PVP… its like if u have cleric at ur side then it almost sure no DEBUFF… almost all cleric has a prevention or debuff remover on their path… Oracle, Pardoner, PD and the new one is Miko… so i dont really care about cleric class at PVP, because i kno when theres 1 PD/ Oracle/ pard/ miko then its just not me who cant CC, almost all player cant Debuff also (Fletcher Debuff, Kino MF, Hunter pet, and others) so i think most debuff or cc is useless when enemy has those kind of cleric