Tree of Savior Forum

Chronomancer skills

EDIT: GUYS I THINK IVE BEEN STUPID THIS WHOLE TIME. I’ve probably been failing, never successfully casting after all. I must have been seeing another green icon, maybe lethargy skill. Sorry :cry:

Hi! I have level 1 Reincarnate right now and I understand it can be resisted.

When I cast it successfully on a boss the skill timer (idk what’s it’s called but I’m talking about the countdown we see on the boss) sometimes shows different times.
Lvl 1 says it has a 6 second duration but sometimes it’s just gives me one second to kill the boss? Does that really happen?

I don’t know if I should put more points to it. Would it really be a waste if I put like 5 points on it? Thanks.

Seem wierd ?
The chance of reincarnate to acctualy work are REALLY low… That if you don’t accidently reincarte the fireball or whatever in front of the boss
you don’t get knocaway on casting
you wheren’t close enoug…

Anyway you should have the full 6sec duration.

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Yes… the reincarnate often times is successful and shows a pillar of white light but the duration is just a split second (they showed a message that reincarnate failed when that happens). Usually occuring during bosses (never on ordinary enemies where success chance is 100%)

When you cast this right when the boss died (there’s a window of a second where the hp of boss is 0 but the boss body is still there)… This “split second” reincar will then be successful.

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Oh I don’t think I’ve seen that pillar of light yet.
And I have to cast it at the moment it dies?! I didn’t know :'D
That must be why then. I’m gonna try and get the timing right then lol thanks a lot.

Yes, you have to get the timing right and calculate for the boss to die within the 6 second time frame you cast it. IF you succeed, there’s usually a thin pillar of light on top of the monster.

Reincarnate chances on bosses are very low…I’m on like a 20+ fail streak

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I see so even if I do kill it within the limit it can still fail. Thanks!
Though I’ll probably keep it at lvl 1 for now.

This topic is resolved for me btw but if anyone still wanna use the thread go ahead lol.

It’s recommended to keep reincarnate at Lv1 and invest the other points into stop or slow. Max quicken, haste and pass. All other skills it doesn’t matter.
Backmask is very gimmicky for using and costs 10000 silver per cast, so most players keep it at Lv1.

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backmasking is still broken as of now. :head_bandage:

i have the doubt if the spr of the chrono afect the chance to resurect the boss. if its the same “resist” that proc with the others spells can work with more spr.

No pillar of white light when it is failing… which is 90% of the time. I was talking about when the Reincarnate buff icon shows for a split second, there is actually the pillar of light. I think it should be successful and have a buff duration of 6 seconds… but no, it’s gone in a blink (not even 1 second) and considered as a “fail” (My lv 5 Reincarnate still suffers this issue)

Casting it the moment it dies is very tricky and hard to do… it’s only to make that buggy-less-than-1-sec duration Reincarnate works… in the event that you cast it and it’s working, the 6 second for lv 1 window will show the full duration as intended.

I’m sorry I didn’t notice this reply at all :sob:
I think I’ve been failing all this time after all. I’ll edit my OP.

As of now O’m still unsuccessful lol, haven’t reincarnated a single boss.

I also have another Chrono question :confused:, about Stop. When in Siauliai, I saw Chronos use Stop in the first wall/debris. How does that work?

Reincarnate is so low, you wonder if the skill is broken or bugged.
My longest dry streak was 1/20 or so.

I’ve never seen a chrono use stop on the first wall or debris…
The stop might be for stopping the enemies at their spawn from rushing in while you are hitting the wall, but I don’t know why one would use stop on an immobile wall…

More people would use stop on the boss to set up an icewall combo

I think I’ve seen it more than twice where they used Stop and the wall just disappears even tho the wall has still a significant life in it.
I wonder if it has to do with someone casting fireballs because I read that fireballs still hit even if there’s Stop?
But please please please correct me again if I got it all wrong, again!! :confounded:

That’s definitely an interesting mechanic.
Too bad I have no way of testing it as I’m not a pyro xD

Same lol. But thanks for the time anyway :kissing_heart:

Stop > cast ground spell / ice wall at furniture > instant poof. :slight_smile:

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Ohhhh thanks I’ll try that one :grinning:

As of right now ground skills and debuffs still do damage when the enemy is in stop but it has already been fixed on ktos and should come on the next patches.

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Tried it, but didn’t work. Tried it with flame ground. What’s the timing of this? Should stop activate until the start of the countdown for start?