Tree of Savior Forum

Chronomancer Rework Ideas

The current Chronomancer is really underwhelming. So I created this topic as a way for us to share our desired ideas for an effective Chrono class. I think it really needs an overhaul.

Here’s mine:

Tier 1 skills:

Alter Time: Movement
Alter the timeflow of allies and enemies around the caster. Increase allies movement speed and decreases enemies movement speed. *Basically same as templar’s Advance orders but without threatening enemies

Alter Time: Recovery
Alter the timeflow around the caster, increasing body’s recovery time. Increases HP and SP recovery rate of allies. Recovery 0.5 secs for the duration of the skill. Stamina will recover even while moving. While enemies will stop recovering HP, SP and stamina while within the caster’s range.

Samsara Attribute: Revives incapacitated allies, granting back 20% HP.

Alter Time: Action
Alter the timeflow of allies and enemies around the caster affecting their skills. Decrease allies skill cooldown by 25% (max) while increasing enemies skill cooldon by 25% (max)

Tier 2 Skills:

Stop the timeflow of everything around the caster. *Same as the current Stop skill.

Resets the CD of all Chronomancer skills.

Grants the ability to cast skills quickly. Reduce casting time of skills by 50% (max). *Same as the current Quickcast

Tier 3 Skills:

Alters the timeflow affecting buffs and debuffs to party and enemies. Extends beneficial buffs time by 20% and decreases debuffs time received by 5 secs. Debuffs casted to enemies will increase by 5 secs and enemy buffs time will be decreased by 20%.

Basically, I wanted chrono to be a very effective utility wizard. I combined Slow and Haste (seems really appropriate). Combined Time forward and Pass ( I think pass is really quite OP so i decided to nerf it a little.)

I added a skill which will really help on recovery of the team but will not replace clerics main job. Plus we know how SP needs to be replenish in re:build.

And lastly a skill that acts like meltsis and discerning evil. Which I think will be very beneficial to the party.

How about you guys? Any ideas to share?

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