Tree of Savior Forum

Chronomancer buuild.. FULL support PVE

Hello guys,

I am wondering if the following build is fine for PVE SUPPORT or there are another better buid.

Stats Full con.


You’re missing 2 points on the wiz1, I’d suggest putting them into Lethargy for the attribute.

For Cryo3, I don’t think you’d need lvl 15 Ice Wall, but that’s more of a personal choice I guess there. I would recommend putting 1 point in Gust.

Skill distribution on Chrono looks fine.

Cryo3-Chrono3 is a good support for PvE as it provides a lot of CC and utility for the group, so a lot of groups will be more than happy to have you.

Thank you

and now?

Is subzero shild useful in PVE?

Subzero shield isn’t fantastic in PvE, but it’s good in Earth Tower. It also makes you almost unkillable for a lot of classes in PvP, especially if you’re stacking con (which you should be doing).

Build looks fine to me. Keep in mind that you won’t be using Ice Bolt for the damage much, mostly for utility (freeze).

Not really, even in ET. I still took it on 10 tho as I plan on doing PvP on this character as well.

That is the build I’m currently using on my main char:

Your Chrono skills are fine, don’t touch them.
Put 3 points in Wiz Lethargy because why not?
As for Cryo, there is no reason to go Ice Bolt 5, you either go Ice Bolt 3 for quick loads(1/3 of the bar) or you go 1 just for the sake of having it.
Subzero is a good skill for PvP, even if as for this moment you don’t see yourself doing PvP, Think about the future.
Ice Pike is a good skill, but no reason to go lvl 15, you are full Con anyway and your dmg will be lacking a lot, so + 200 dmg - 200 dmg wont do anything. Put those 5 points in Subzero Shield and leave Ice Spike at lvl 10.
Ice Wall is a great skill in general, amazing in PvP, great in PvE, But Subzero is worth 2 blocks of Ice Wall, so lvl 13 Ice Wall is more then enough(If you are going lvl 3 Ice Bolt, get lvl 11 Ice Wall).

I will tell you this, full Con Chrono Cryo is going to be a PAIN IN THE ASS to level. rom lvl 140 you are going to hate yourself, don’t give up.

Thank you … and what about go 1 con 1 int and rest it when I get high level or I find a guild/group?

Something like…

I use this build myself.

I would put at least five points into Ice Bolt for a near instant cast of level one ice bolt.

Between your build with liker and my build with cryo… which is better in the high end as support/pve?

It’s debatable really. As a Cryo3 you are much better at CC. Frost Pillar is great and Snow Rolling is more damage and some CC too. You control the battlefield basically.

However as a Linker, I raise the party’s single target DPS in most mobbing situations. Joint Penalty also raises Poison, Lightning and Earth damage by 50%. Additionally, I can pass some very interesting buffs to the party. Like if I was partying with a Quarrel Shooter3, I could give the entire team Running Shot or if I was with a Plague Doctor, everyone gets healing factor.

I can’t really say which is better. Cryo3 CC support is unrivaled in the Wizard tree. I am only a Cryo1 and while I can still freeze most things, I lack Frost Pillar and Subzero Shield. I would say that Cryo3 is better at CC but Linker2 is raises the party’s DPS more.

At the end of the day, it’s just a preference. By CCing an enemy, you can raise the party’s DPS because they are missing less or can better focus down mobs. We both struggle against bosses though. You can’t freeze a boss and I can’t link them (unless they have adds, in which case we are both useful).

… maybe should I try both??? I mean level up a char with my build and another with your build until level 60 and see with which one I feel more comfortable.

If you’d like you can do that. You can also think of it this way…

By being a Cryo3Chrono3 you are always going to be the best Cryomancer and Chronomancer in your party.

By being a Cryo1Linker2Chrono3 you are always going to be the best Chronomancer in your party, but there could be a better Cryomancer or a better Linker who might take your slot.

You are free to do as you wish however!

Lv.250+ Cyro3Chrono3 Here. I would like to share my insight to everyone.

First of all, I followed guides and popular skill builds. However, keep in mind that upon actually playing the game, these advice mainly comes from people who played beta… So yes. Much disappoint.

Essential Skills that should be maxed are: [haste] [pass]

Reincarnate at 1 is fine. It’s just a bonus skill for reincarnating bosses( approximately 5 to 10% )

To sum things up here are the things that I modified in my build:

  • [Lv.1] -> [Max] Slow , it affects bosses and works wonders in pvp; not to mention it combos well with tree; Sacrifice is Quicken(i prioritized it over quicken). Warning: SP cost is heavy!

  • [Lv.1] -> [Lv.3] Stop, I might decide to go higher on this but I prefer having both haste and quicken’s duration expire at the same time; This goes well with max Icewall/ Lv.1 is enough for snow rolling.

  • [Lv.15] -> [Lv.10] Quicken, 10 is enough. How many of your party members have 60ms ping? How many of those 60ms ping do basic attacks? Moreover, if there are no krivis in your pt, Quicken will always be sacrificed. The only absolute thing about quicken MAX is when you pt with Summoners for life.

  • Backmasking should be learnt LAST. This skill is bugged and does not do anything but eat dimension fragments that costs 10k silver. You need every point early in Chronmancer 3, better invest it on things that work early on. EDIT: works on reviving team mates. -lindely

Cyro stuff: Max Icewall(from 8), Max Shield, I removed Gust(i hate this skill’s targeting aoe; garbage), lvl 2 Icebolt(from 6; just get audra Staff or Ice Rod), Max Tree(longer is better), Max Snow Rolling, The rest goes to Pike.

Thanks for the read, constructive criticism is welcomed.

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could you share you build please?

It does resurrect a party member, who died, if used in time. But it does not work on enemies atm.

Is it tested? Got videos or did u try it urself? sorry, got curious.

Backmasking is working and not a bugged skill (as far as I know). Here is a list of what backmasking does:

  1. Revive a fallen member (or members) - It has the ability to revive fallen members but take note that you have to be near him since the range of backmasking is only small (except if you decide to upgrade it, but I highly suggest otherwise)
  2. Remove crowd control on party members (but you won’t be able to use it if you are CCed yourself, obviously)
  3. Displace mobs to their previous location (a few seconds prior to casting backmask)

What backmask does not do is revive mobs (although I have heard and seen in some Korean videos that it can revive mobs, in iToS it doesn’t, dunno if this is intended or not).

Well, I guess this is what makes ToS really enjoyable because there are many builds that you can choose from. You are correct in saying that both cryo and linker are support classes and that linker definitely boosts damage better than cryo. I guess it depends on the team composition on whether they prefer having more CC or higher DPS, but either way, both builds are good as support.

In Earth tower though, I have seen a lot of videos that have a Cryo3 Chrono3 since the CC is very much needed to avoid getting wipe and to have easier time killing the mobs, lowering the risk of dying.

Also, with regards to linkers and boss fight, I am not sure whether a lot of people know this, but (if you are a pyro linker) you can actually link your fireball with the boss and this gives you the bonus damage from joint penalty attributes (hopefully though no one pushes away your fireball or the boss doesn’t step on it). :slight_smile:

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I don’t mean to be rude but you should never reply when you have no idea what you are talking about. We are talking about SEA. SEA’s version of backmasking is NOT WORKING, however, Lind claims that it revives players. Next time i will bash people who replies without even testing the skills first.