Tree of Savior Forum

Chronomancer build - Wiz revamp

With the incomming patch, i wanna make one chronomancer but i don’t know build them which class sinergyze. Need some help. Sorry for the english


Which kind of build you are looking for? Considering the chrono a support build, are you planning to focus just in support?

Maybe you could get thauma 3 to invest most on Spr and you also get quickcast (so, no need for wi3)

Mind support, with some dps for solo content

well u can totally go wiz 3 tauma 3 and crono 3
wiz 3 give u quickcast, surespell ( to all u party now) lethargy to debuff enemy bosses ( is buffed in the patch) the new energy shield ( who look pretty usefull now) and magic missile to attack
tauma 3 give u swell arms head and transpose
crono skills now scale with spr too so u have to balance urself

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You can already get Quick Cast benefits from Swell Brain’s new attribute.

I have a Wiz 1 - Pyro 2 - Thaum 3 - Chrono 3.
Chrono and Thaum for support. Pyro 2 will give you some damage spells and CC. But the DPS isn’t amazing, so it might not be your thing (you can still solo things though, since anyway you basically just need a good enough weapon and a Pardoner’s buffs).
If you want extra damages and support, Linker will now have nice damages, nice support, and it also scales with SPR. Maybe it would suit you more than Thaum 3 - Chrono 3.
The best part is that Linker comes at rank 3 (instead of rank 4 for Thaumathurge), so you could also take an extra damage class at R9 if you feel like it.
But basically the classes that use SPR are: Chronomance, Linker, Thaumathurge, Necromancer and Sorcerer (because minions scale with SPR). So now some Chronomancers also go Sorcerer 1 or 2 for the extra (good and rather lazy) DPS.

crono and necro will be a nice combo , since skeletons can get the haste and quiken, but u can only go crono 2 to get necro 3…

Thank everybody, i guess mix with sorc or linker