Tree of Savior Forum

Chrono support builds: Cryo 3 or Linker 2?: I'm noob, need help please!

Hello guys, I’m relatively new to the game and I’m currently rolling my first support Wizard character. I’ve done some researches to make my mind on some stuff and avoid asking stupid questions, but there are still some things I’m not sure about, especially since I’ve not yet gotten into endgame content like ET and similar stuff.

First off I’m very undecided between Linker 2 and Cryo 3: from what I’ve read around the main difference is that Linker is better with autoattack based team setups (like Quarrel Shooters or archers or melee chars in general) and maybe Pyromancers while Cryo (obviously) offers better CC.

Quoting from a thread I’ve found googling around (source):

Grinding I’d say linker has the upper hand, if you grab linker3 on
rank 8, Dandel gem, that would be 11 mobs linked, not only they get
exactly on the same spot, but it is also a bit “faster” than cryo3 in
terms of CC setup

But for DGs like Earth Tower ( and possibly something of the sort on
the future ), where mobs just come non-stop, Cryo3 I’d say has the upper
hand mostly, unless there’s lack of DPS on floor 1/6 ( where it’s a DPS
check ), then it might be better to check out if the whole party DPS
would increase through link or not ( some skills do share, some skills
do not )

Anyway these are some options I’ve come up with:

(Oh and btw for the above build is Audra still the best option even at max level? I guess the +2 to the Cryo CC skills alone makes it good enough)

Another option would be Linker 1 instead than Sage in the first build but I’ve read Missile Hole is an amazing support skill.

I am also not about completely certain about the allocation of a couple of points, notably:

  • in the Cryo tree: Subzero Shield vs more Ice Pike damage… Since now it only affects melee attacks is it still worth it? On the other hand more Ice Pike damage in my eyes is also negligible in a full Cons support build, I take the skill just for the freezing effect.
    About Ice Bolt over Ice Pike I’m sold on Ice Bolt being at least 7 or 8/15 since at that point a quick button tap makes its lev 1 instacast: for me the damage difference with Pike is unimportant, I’d rather have non delayed long range homing missile with freeze chance to help my teammates in trouble.
  • in the Chrono tree: is 8/15 Stop enough? I mean I think it should be, the skill is amazing but also doesn’t let the team dish any damage on the CC’d enemies. Especially with Ice Pillar in the first build I don’t think I’ll ever need more than 8 points. But in that case what should I sacrifice?: some points from Quicken and say fk to autoattacker builds? The other solution would be to cut points from Backmashing (like 1/5 or 3/5) and give up on its range?. Then again larger range on such an impactful and expensive skill doesn’t looks smart to me, you may cut some teammates outside of its effect or just lose time repositioning if the range is lacklustre…

Other spec options I have considered are Wiz 1, Thauma 3, Chrono 3, Sage as a general utility and stat buffer or Wizard 2 (need Surespell with Kino), Kino 3, Chrono 3, but that looks more like a GvG support build rather than a general purpose one, because in PvE Ice Bolt increased freeze chance attribute is not disable, mobs don’t skilfully dispel and overall Ice Pillar in PvE is better than Raise because Raise doesn’t allow some ground targetted abilities to hit CCed mobs.

Well, what do you guys think, what’s your opinion? Please correct my mistakes, emend my noobness and help me become a decent support. I’ll appreciate each and every opinion and point of view, thank you in advance.

Well, I had the same suffering chosing between both builds…

Then I just made 2 different wizzards with both builds

But… but… I have a life also. Now I am even more torn. FeelsBadMan

Well me to, lol
But this way I can have fun withou worrying too much

I will consider that in the long term, it’s indeed a good solution. But for the short them what to do with this char?: I ask because I have a full chat reset and only fked up char right now (a wizard). So I gotta really really commit to a choice before 17 January.

you are already answer your question

Then I guess I’m either missing something or my brain hasn’t yet bothered notifying itself about its own resolution.
Anyway since you’re here I would also gladly appreciate your 2 vubbe tokens on the matter, thank you.

Shameful self thread bump: I’m now class level 15, need to advance to rank 7, can anyone help me decide or give me any insight? Thank you in advance.

i like the cyro 3 and chon 3 hehe

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or have cyro 3 linker 2 or 3 for grind

Harpeia cube giving me Audra just today may be Vakarine telling me to go Cryo. And I sort of like CC.

I love partying with cyro in the 200s lvl ;D

If you are casual player who able to spend 1-3h per day, better go for Linker
Linker2 will be more difficult in Earth Tower, but doable with right team to communicate

Else, if you are hardcore wanted to achieve something in game, or able spend >3h per day, go for Cryo
Cryo3 will be easier in intense mobs (>8 targets) content like Earth Tower, but more difficult to progress the game as solo or slower in party leveling compare to linker.


My 2 vubbe tokens on the matter:
As an archer i absolutly adore linkers, they are my favorite support class.
But a problem with them is that at higher lvls more and more monsters got link-resist. You will start to notice this when you get to Abby and 290 Dungeon.

Saying that… linkers are alot of fun to play. I have 2 of them myself and are planning to make another one.

No idea what nightrain_cry are talking about when it comes to ET. Linkers are great there.

And never ever trade sage for link1. Missile hole is just to good to miss out on.

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I’d really like to thank everyone who has contributed so far, I think I’m starting to see a pattern in the thread and making up my mind on this.

Btw are there any suggestion or correction concerning my skill point allocation in the various builds?: I don’t have much direct experience myself, I just asked around to Chronomancer and supp Wizards in general on my server and read around the internet. Once again, feel free to point out at anything!

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Are those 2 builds full con?If not can some1 tell me how it goes?1-2 int/con?
I want to do cyri 3 chrono 3 build but i need to know if i go for full con

Both CryoChrono and ChronoLinker are full CON builds.

I am a CyroChrono. I would suggest to invest around 20 - 40 to SPR so you could keep your skills going with reasonable spr recovery then the rest to CON.

Yeah, you loose 15% max hp trying to save 900 silver per 5 minutes on potions which recover more than your maxp(because 40 stat points at high con give like 60-70 con). Very good idea.