Tree of Savior Forum

Chrono skill question

Can any1 explain to me the use of each skills if possible?

1.) Does quicken affects AA speed while jumping or its the same as before without quicken ?

2.) Backmask goes backward for few seconds including cooldown of skills right ? Or forward ? I noticed sometimes my skills can be used already when its used by this skill ( im not even sure if anyone understood this part cuz i kinda dont get myself but i know what im trying to ask tho xD )

3.) Does quicken affect sub weapon too ?

For quicken the AA speeds up, and if timed right with jumping it should be even faster.
Like you can AA in the air and soon as you hit the floor you can pop another one off before your in the air again. ( Timing is key)

Quicken dose effect the sub wep too.

Not on Back mask yet but i would say yes because of time travel.
It goes back a few sec. so if the skill was not used within that time then it never happened.
grandfather paradox apples i think. because if you never used the skill you can do something else.

But then again i dont have it yet but from what you said about the cool-down of the skill then yea.


Don’t see any difference in jump AAs. Well, barely. The limiting factor here is the jumping animation.

I don’t think Backmasking affects skill cooldowns. I’ll double check the next time I get to use it.

Yes, but to a lesser extent than the main weapon, since daggers are by default faster.

ty both of u so much for ur answers it helps alot guidance i appreciate it :slight_smile:

Damn i can AA on/off air now before jumping again xD