Tree of Savior Forum

Chrono rank9 path?

Is sage2 worth it for full support chrono?

Imo no, sage2 doesn’t look that great in general.
Enchanter2 great and works perfectly with support chrono, Shadowmancer2 is alright too from what i have seen, but personally didn’t try that yet.

So wiz1>cyro3>chrono3>chanter2?
Never played one, I just respeced my warlock to one, I have an audra staff what armor should I use?

That’s the build I tried so far and it works perfect (tried shadowmancer just now, it’s alright but enchanter feels better to me). I didn’t actively play in the last half year so I’m not up to date with item builds sorry, but so far I feel like high damage weapon is better than audra since you can actually deal damage now with enchanter2 and audra’s matk is kinda low. I’m using plate for armor and it’s perfectly fine for a support build, but I don’t actually know if there is a better alternative.

Well, we can always stick with high MATK weapons while keeping audra on weapon swap basically for Ice Wall/Frost Pillar/chrono buffs (my Audra has Frost pillar, ice wall and quicken gems after all).

Any specific plate armor? And im assuming this is a full int build now?

My best armor is still the 315 plate from the hunting grounds and I don’t even know the new items I’m 100% certain that there are way better ones by now. (for supporting you was fine with a cheap armor with decent protection mostly before the rank9 update and I hope it’s still true).
I’m still trying stat builds, but my guess for now is either high int and a bit of con, or full int.

And for weapons, swapping the high matk and audra is most likely the best way performance wise as @yurichalps said. (though I think weapon swapping is kinda of a pain in this game).

maybe thauma2 (thauma3 at r10) or runecaster + psychokino nuke