Tree of Savior Forum

Chrono Enchanter : AA build?

Hey !

I’m thinking to make a AA wizard who can also serves as support in group, here’s what I come with :

I need at least Pyro1, as I need Enchant Fire scrolls for another character (there seems to not be sell on my server). I hesitate between Pyro2 and Linker, but I heard Link breaks too fast with Enchanter ?
I took Cryo1 for more lightning damage on frozen target, but is it worth it ?
Chrono3 provide Quicken for my AA and general support.
Finally, Enchanter2 for Lightning Hangs, Enchant Lightning and scroll maker, not sure of the others spells.
Probably full SPR, unless 360 is enough for Chrono buffs ?

What do you think of this build ? Can it work ? Would you take it as support in CM for example ? Can it solo level ?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Edit : I just realize, is it possible to go Pyro3 (or another one) and use Froster Lords cards to get the frozen effects ? (even with the nerfs ?)

It’s usually Wiz-Pyro1-Link2-Chrono3-Enchanter2 so you can link and zap, share enchant fire to party and additional magic damage with spiritual chain attribute.

How is the leveling for Pyro/Linker2 instead of Pyro3 ? That’s probably my main concern :confused:
Besides that, I can see the interest in party group, Link is strong, I just keep hearing that it doesn’t work with Enchanter because it breaks too fast…

It’s very fast, even with pyro1, I have one and I really enjoy play it c:
If you Spirit Chain then buff, no matter if you’re linked together or not after that^^

You can really level up with only Pyro1 and by going SPR ? I have a Wiz lvl190 that I hesitate to reroll to this build, and if leveling is possible, I’ll do it ! For leveling, do you use mostly spells, AA or both ?
Oh, you’re right ! (in dungeon, when there is a Linker, Spirit Chain breaks so fast because everyone go in a different direction xD) But what about Joint Penalty ? Doesn’t it break too fast with our multiples AA lines ?

Is this the correct build or did I miss an important spells ?

Yeah, with pardo buffs it’s pretty fast (and moar lines)^^ Since I mostly play with my bf, i do both. (JP+ lighthning hands are sooo satisfyingguhdfigd * - *)
Yeah, you have to be fast to buff, or not all partymates will have them… ;w;
Did some modifs on your build (wiz and pyro)
CCs (sleep, JP) are better to me than EB or Earthquake, since i never use them because of the fun of lightning hands xD
You have to max Enchant fire (more intertersting for dmgs c: ) rest is as you wish, I didn’t put all points in pyro branch to let you choose^^

I think I said all i had to, hope it will help c:

Thanks, that really helps !
I put points in EB because I’m afraid of having not enough damage, but on my other character, I never use it xD So yeah, Sleep is probably better :smile: For Enchant Fire, I heard the scaling is not so good, but the fact is… I have nothing else to spend my points on xD I really hate Flare when I can’t use it on Flame Ground (which needs Pyro2), I only use Firewall for bosses, and Fireball is nice, but not necessary :slight_smile:

As you’re already Enchanter, are Agily and Empowering of any use ?

Agility is pretty useless because of the way it currently works (1% stamina at LV10 iirc). Not one person has ever asked that from me.

Empowering is good, though. It has its uses, especially to Zealots and SP-hungry burst dps. I only put in 5 levels here as I personally don’t need it (SPR build here). The remaining 5 skill points went into Enchant Armor instead.

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That’s what I heard about Agily, so no point for it :confused:

Oh, I forgot that for Empowering ! Does it add only to max SP (like Kabba’s Ein Soft for HP) or does it refill SP too (like Kabba’s Ein Soft for SP) ?

Also, if I want to craft lvl1 Enchant Fire scroll, can I use Craft Spellbook only at lvl1 or is there another use for more lvl ?

If i’m not wrong, you need the skill level of craft, for a lv15enchant fire, you’ll need lv 15 craft spellbook ^^

It doesn’t refill SP unfortunately. You cast Empowering, your partymates down an elixir, then proceed to spam skills.

I forgot whether your SP is restored when it wears off. Being a CON/SPR build means I got too much SP.

Oh, sad, that means refill more SP every 2 mins, that’s hard :confused: (and less useful then) Would you put more than 5 points in it or is it just to hard to refill after that ? (don’t know for others, but on my Ele full INT, the huge potion sold on the Market already can’t refill all my SP :confused:)

Hum, so lvl10 would be useful for Quicken for example, but not for Enchant Fire ? Or even the scaling on Quicken scroll doesn’t worth it ?

With all those informations, I hesitate to do Craft Spellbook lvl1, Enchant Armor lvl5 and Empowering lvl4 :slight_smile:

For Quicken, maybe, but yeah, not high enough to be woth for enchant fire :confused: And anyway, it’s better to do a “full craft scroll build” [for example enchant 15 (not possible now) PoA, Quicken/Haste and other] instead of investing into this skill with a dps char imo :confused:

I see ! I will say with Craft Spellbook lvl1, Enchant Armor lvl5 and Empowering lvl4, I still need Enchant Fire scroll for another character (and sell if possible) ^^

Thanks a lot for all those informations, that’s really useful for me !

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(and less useful then) Would you put more than 5 points in it or is it just to hard to refill after that ?

I would, if I had the stat points for it. You can easily refill SP with Ein Sof and the SP-spamming classes will like you for it.

Problem is there’s very little stat points to go around. And we still don’t know what Enchanter circle 3 holds for us. :frowning:

i’d rather go Lethargy (lv1) + Earthquake than Sleep. Lethargy makes EQ hit twice which results in a nice damage for leveling (when you need to quickly dispatch a group of enemies and JP is on CD.

Yeah, that’s right, I’ll probably stay with Empowering lvl4, unless we know about Enchanter3 at this point :confused:

Hum, I’m currently leveling my character (Wiz/Pyro1/Link2/Chrono3 lvl230 right now) and Pyro’s Flame Ground is really good against groups of mobs, or JP + Spirit Shock for flying mobs, so I still have 10 skill points left in Wizard xD (I only took Magic Shield to protect me)

Earthquake works against flying monsters, but you cant Lethargy them for double damage =/. Still a good filler (even better with disabled knockdown attribute).

For now, I did not need it, Flame Ground and Joint Penalty (with Spirit Shock or AA) is enough for groups, so I hope it will be enough until Enchant Lightning/Lightning Hands, I always found Earthquake’s damage not so good :confused:
But for now, I also try to level in maps with mostly grounded mobs :slight_smile: