Tree of Savior Forum

šŸšø [Suggestion] Some Swordsmen 'Support/Utility' Buffs šŸšø



Pain Barrier negate 2%/lvl chance to avoid rank1 CC - added effect. this prevents CC chain.
Gung Ho x%/lvl block penetration rate - added effect. most pvp builds are going to be CON build which means high block rate.
Concentrate x%/lvl accuracy bonus - added effect. because the skill itself in most MMORPG increases accuracy as their tool tip
Restrain higher stun rate? or same rate with 2 sec stun duration?


Swashbuckling/Provoke to be a debuff in PvP, which forces enemy Player Character to automatic ā€˜lock-onā€™ for x duration to the last ally Peltast that used it. All enemy attack and skill for the duration are aimed at the Peltast, they are affected by the debuff but are still able to freely move anywhere and use any skills. This gives more incentives for tanks in PvP role as they are often just ignored and killed later when the rest of his team are dead. ā€˜lock-onā€™ same effect as pressing CTRL to lock-on a single enemy in PvE but as a debuff.

Guardian change into % instead of flat. decrease taken physical damage -2%/lvl, userā€™s physical damage also reduce -2%/lvl. Cannot be used with Deeds of Valour and Double Pay Earn.


Cartar Stroke gradual increasesing cone AoE size the longer it is charged. :bento:


Shield Charge faster running movement instead of the slow mo running. :runner:
Targe Smash lower CD :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Lunge as a GAP CLOSER, increase distance per lvl.:heartbeat:

(old costume fiora is best fiora)

That is all

@STAFF_J @STAFF_John @GM_Erick


You keep bringing this back over and over again, did they close the Granado Espada servers or something?
Because Iā€™m not going to bother checking.


Iā€™m honestly sick of these topics for some reasonā€¦

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Yah, im sure Swordsmen are fine in PvP. I just asking IMC for provoke to affect enemy players into locking on to the peltasta so that PvP tanks will actually do something instead of being a HP PiƱata. but thats not needed.

happy now

Improving the QoL of a few of the swordsman skills would probably be a welcome change for swordsman players but a bigger issue is that very few of the classes have ways of dealing with control impairing effects and the few we do have are passive play (immunity). It would probably be a better design change if there were ways to actively ā€œblockā€, ā€œcounterā€ or ā€œbreak outā€ of control impairing skills.

im suggesting CC small % negation chance for Pain Barrier. successive chain CCs might not activate since there is a small chance for Pain Barrier to null it.

30% chance to null CC in max lvl 15 in my suggestion for a SwordsmanR3

That looks nowhere near an improvement compared to just dash and attack in this game.

Iā€™m well versed on how Fencing works, adn thereā€™s a time and a place for everything.
And the whole jump thing is too risky is a real combat situation where your life is at risk. Fencers are godly tanks in this game not damage dealers deal with it.

i only see doppels and cataphracts contributing to their team in PvP, special mention corsairs.

i dont see any magicians CC in real life aswell. the only one i see are card tricks ones.

Would they not if they could though?
You tell me, if I could freeze any fucker that tries to punch me I totally would.

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