Tree of Savior Forum

🌸 Some info about the future plans on TOS 🌸

I just hope the game doesn’t get trashy in the process. When the monsters are going to continue being weak, we won’t have any thrill in the game, and there would be no need to progress.

E.g. my Kabbalist never required new equipment from level 75-275. That’s 200 levels covered with a total of 126 equip defence and no great effects from armor mastery since I’m a leather man (no plate or cloth can touch me :D).
Also no need for gems in the shoes or to wear a shield to stack magic defence. Only on level 250+ maps it slowly started to get more brutal with 1k+ magic damage, but that magic damage in Inner Wall District 9 was unnatural (good, I was 10 levels below the mobs, but still, 7-9k damage per unavoidable hit made mobs suddenly threatening, as well as their 240+k HP).

I still believe that this is good, as it’s going the way RO went back in the pre-renewal days, where monsters on your level or higher levels were so much stronger than you as a player that you had to do something to progress. It made partying and farming special equip useful and rewarding, in contrast to just drop a skill and wait till it killed the target while standing there doing nothing.

The main problem is the missing balance between the classes and skills, which makes Rank 8 skill not = Rank 8 skill. Rank 8 Dethrone e.g. is considerably stronger than Rank 8 Micro Dimension e.g., or Rank 7 Cannon Shot being stronger than almost all other non-single target Rank 7 skills [due to % scaling with attack + high flat damage and low CD time].
If there was at least some balance here, people wouldn’t face so many difficulties with their builds unless they picked a Rank 8 C1 class.

Kabbalist e.g. has 1 damage skill limited to 5 levels within two Class Circles with 45 seconds CD time, and the damage is so poor it can’t even match Clerics Heal/Cure value. looking at Rank 9s possible scaling,
the base damage of Nachash (if it were to come at Rank 9) would have to be around 10k with 2 overheat charges and 15-20 seconds CD time to balance this out(would still be way lower than 30% of the DPS potential of a Dragoon C3 if you add it onto Merkabah).
I bet this is not going to happen,though, and IMC gives crappy damage values like 5k or less with high CD time again (30+seconds) because they suck at balancing and ace at making life miserable for some people.

They should just calculate DPS potential of all skills for a class, add them together and give all classes Âą the same base values for balance talks. Then, they reduce the value of tank and support classes accordingly (by ~30-50% of the mentioned value), but not drop it to the bottom.
Dragoon has a DPS potential value of 2472 while Kabbalist has a value of ~33.
Both are Rank 8 C2 classes.
That’s ± 75 times larger, and they’re telling us that this game is balanced…
This is the most extreme example, but you should understand that this is madness. This is what actually forces builds into being inefficient or crap or non-meta or into the necessity to transcend their equipment to overcome these gaps.

Should compare Kabbalist with the other R7 class Plague Doctor, both are support but PD is one of the best dps class that the cleric tree has to offer, and it gets boosted by Agny even further. My main is a Kabbalist c1, took inquisitor in the end c2 unable to help me to keep up with the monster toughness in R8.

I highlighted the lack of whites and blues when R8 is first released, hopefully the new hunting ground gears can bridge it. (since they are bringing up the hunting grounds to the 200+ range in the 2nd patch).

It will be really great if they can add in weapons and gear in the 270 bracket though. It is missing and we have a 100level gear gap minus the Lolo gears.

Transcend would’t be needed till later if the 270-315 white and blue equipment got introduced altogether with the r8 patch.
Pract and Shard in the Lutecia cube was just a reason to shill $$$.

Plague Doctor isn’t that good anymore. He got Agni necklace to boost Incineration, but Incineration damage can be resisted by mobs since it’s applied via a debuff (same with Heal,Cure,Possession,etc.) and the new high resistance against debuff damage is pesky for Plague Doctors.

However, it’s hard to compare them both since PD is damage over time on both of his skills, while Kabbalist currently only damages on explosion of the chariots on ITOS and the hits per chariot dealt by passing through enemies on KTOS currently is a laugh; it’s at best as good or bad as Bwa Kayiman, while Bwa is a Rank 4 skill and Merkabah a Rank 7 skill.

Also, why does Kabbalist have to be compared to PD?
All classes should be treated equally if it’s about damage dealing, because damage dealing is the only aspect of the game everyone has to do and which can’t be compensated for by anything else than transcending a weapon. Also, if everyone can transcend for the same %, why is it that not everyone can at least deal base damage for around the same %?

Cleric has no meaning if you can stack defence to negate the need for healing and the existence of pots make this situation even worse.
Now if Clerics can’t deal decent damage, what can they do? Take forever to clear stuff? Farm forever to transcend the weapon for decent damage?

That’s some BS mechanics where you can compensate for everything except the stupid base skill damage, GG.
That’s why everyone has to deal damage if he can negate and heal damage as well. And if some class has 16k base attack and 2 overheat with 16 seconds CD on 1 of 5 damage skills, why isn’t the other class allowed to have at least 8k base damage on a 45 seconds CD skill without overheat which is the only damage skill he has? …

Meanwhile, look at the alternative: Inquisitor has 30 seconds CD max and overheats on his strongest skills. The base damage of God Smash lvl 5 is nearly 8k with 3 overheats and 30% less CD time. That’s one skill and it can be risen up to lvl 15, while Merkabah is forever stuck at lvl 5 without any compensation for whatever lousy reason the developers came up (maybe 16 chariots would’ve crashed the server, I mean, potato xD).

Looking at the alternatives, I can find nearly no reason why to advance to Kabbalist C2 in the first place if all you get it cheap skills depending on the naming senses of the developers inside the database and the crude limitation of numbers calculated being only 1 digit and not 2 digits.

As far as I can predict, C3 will become another desaster without anything to make up for the bad C1 and C2, be it attributes or damage.
Meanwhile, monsters HP will rise to 1m and Kabbalist C3 is still stuck at max 15k damage. Even a C3 Oracle will laugh at the Kabbalist then because Death Sentence will kill quicker and more effectively than Kabbalist xD

This is, unless they start to reevaluate the damage by taking all Classes into their focus and comparing/averaging their basic potential and then tweaking it a little so that red circles are a little stronger than green ones e.g.

But I nearly lost all hope when it comes to Korean MMORPGs and balancing, especially if they try to balance certain more defensive/supportive classes[if they even try, as the current balance patch only focused on red circle classes (except that Corsair, but his green circle is just for show anyway because the supportive skills he’s got are now basically all useless, especially the treasure chest unlocking skill)].

Well, gotta grit my teeth and continue until lvl 317+ to get my mace ready in case they do something unexpected, and once Rank 10 is out, he’ll be Inqui anyway(unless Rank 9 or 10 feauteres an even cooler patk-based class)…

I dunno, 2-1 circle normal class? Devs may stop making normal classes and release only new circles/hidden classes.

But if they’ll keep the initial idea of 600 levels, they may extend it to ~12 ranks. Otherwise this will be a boring grindfest with 2 ranks for 280 base levels.

I think rank8 maps are very good, it give enough challenge to solo but it is easier to party and work on strategy how to utilize each member.
Those monsters need not to be weaken, it just players need to be more initiative to shout party.
Hence, I suggest free shouting 3 times for each rank8 character.
Else, peoples are just passive, lazy to take responsible to lead a party, or saving tp for other things. This is bad, we need encouraging more community driven elements.

Now, players are going more solo and dps just because there is no prospect to party, and elites getting with elites in guild only.
I also suggest quest will give karma points like guildwars2 to exchange items, materials or special buffs from npc. Even if u done the quest but if u help a friend in party u will still receive karma points.

Finally, class balances. The concept are good, but mostly not well thought and many potential synergy are not implemented, else I think party a fun thing to do in ToS.
If we continue to satisfy whales by provide transcended weapon, it will only kill the game eventually and became totally a chinese cash cow game.
Transcended itself is what making the game kirito mode.

I hope they stick on their initial concept, nobody can OP but utilize the synergy of team to make it a fun community driven game.

my biggest issue on transcendence is…

why the ■■■■ can’t trascended equipment be storaged so that my alts can use it

although maybe i just got spoiled coz i came from playing DN wherein a transition was done in making the BiS gears a char locked item to a server storage bound one

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Yes, wasting blessed gems on a weapon that will become useless later i kinda meh. They could at least change this.

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