Tree of Savior Forum

Check my build, need some inputs


My Pyrochrono build lvl 170 ( atm )

Fire Ball lvl 15
Enchant Fire lvl 15 ( with dagger gives me 187 fire att)
Flame Ground lvl 5
Fire Pillar lvl 10

Time skills,
Stop lvl 1 the rest is on quicken

I have 41 con and 300 int when i was young i added some spr but not alot, so im sitting at 21.
Without equips 34 con 277 int and 18 spr

I would suggest you to put more CON, at least around 80 for survivability, at 200 some mobs have huge HP pool, heavy damage, and if you plan on solo some areas, you will suffer lots, even with plate armor.

If you took Flame Ground 10 you could keep it 100% of the time active, Fire Pillar is good to lock down enemies, but the long CD is discouraging to level more than 5 Lvs, i can’t say about Fire Breath, if someone with better experience with it can give an input would be nice since i am curious about that skill too.

Are you planning on going Chrono 3?

i think so, i would want more att skills but i dont mind going chrono 3 i feel like that will help better with all the buffs.

i had fire breath and got rid of it, it takes to mush sp. after using all my skills ( pyro skills cool-down) fire breath will last 11 sec till i run out of mp, then welp thats all for mp. lol it was mostly good for boss killing i guess, and my pvp with it only works if i hit them

My only thing with flame ground is that i cant hit things in the air

Yeah, if you will take Chrono path, it is better go all the way, since you are planning on going PvP then yeah, FB is not a good choice since you need to be close, unless you have a good CC group with you, but even so.

FG indeed can’t hit flying targets, but if you are in a group with a linker its another story.

In the end, it is a matter on what will be paired with what, in all honesty, i would go Linker Chono setup for a chronomancer build, but then again, it would be heavily dependent on parties.

But FG for PvP is a good skill, specially against cloaked enemies. and depending on where you set it up, it can cause a huge mess on the enemy lines lol.

Just take not that, if you don’t level your enhance attributes, you will lack damage later on, so whenever you have extra cash hanging use it to level these attributes, on my pyro sorc i did up to Lv 40 and at Lv 248 it still lacks damage, well my gear is not really that good for DPS tho.

The Flame ground?

Btw do you uses FW?

Flame Wall? No, unfortunately the design of that skill is really useless.
I do hope IMC do a balance and fix on that.