Tree of Savior Forum

Chatsystem bugged time

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time :
anytime, any day

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :
doesn’t matter

Where it happened (which map, which quest, which npc, etc) :
doesn’t matter

Bug Description :
Chat shout say’s different time to the original time mentioned next to the map. Several times it means i have the latest gold seller massage in my chat and newly formed chat massages pop up above the old massages.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Start the game anew

Screenshots / Video :


  • Country, Region : Germany

Got the same problem.

The client seems to load chat messages from 6 hours ago when starting and displays them at the bottom of the chat log. New messages appear above them, not below, which means if you have chat scrolled all the way to the bottom you only see those old messages forever.

I’m also located in germany and curously enough 6 hours is the time difference between local and server time so it might be an issue with that.

Workaround: Set time to EDT and turn off automatic daylight saving on your pc…

How to reproduce: Set timezone to any but UDT-4 (EDT), start client, check chatlog.

just a small update

it seems the bug occures if your standard time is different from server time.
As soon as i start to block someone (and in the meantime someone else use a shout) the server sets the time to my time (in that case 6 hours ahead).

Only solution is eather wait 6 hours before a new massage will be shown at the bottom, or restart the game.