Tree of Savior Forum

Chat not showing/boss drop list not showing/item comparision not working

Hi there, as the title suggest, i have those problems.
came back in the game (after 5 years i guess? or 4? dunno, from launch tho) since quarantine times are boring, reinstalled everything, no mod, no nothing, clean install (didnt have anything about tos on this pc ), and i have those 3 problems.

  • chat is not showing anything at all, no whisper,no shouts, no party chat no nothing.

  • the f10 content menu, where you can see raid and stuffs wont show what the boss is actually dropping, from the “loot/items” window if i click on anything it wont do anything at all, so i have to either ask a friends for what that thing will drop or go on a database.

. i can’t see what’s in my inventory, equip wise, unless i de-equip whats on me because if i try to see what i have looted/identified it will always show what is equipped.

i guess this problems are all connected but can’t get why or what is causing that, or if there’s some old ■■■■ i enabled?