Tree of Savior Forum

Character stats scaling with ranking

As we know currently only STR and INT get 10% bonus for each rank starting with 2nd.

That made me thinking: would game balance become terribly broken if EVERY stat scaled same way or it would allow for more diverse and interesting builds?

For example Dex scaling would make gems other than crit rate a viable choice.

Spending stat points in Con and Spr will be rewarded upon ranking up: you’ll become beefier and have a alittle bit more SP and SP regen compared to previous rank. This will grant players the feel of becoming stronger and a feel of achievement/reward for progression.

This will also make characters built on dex/spr/con have same overall amount of stat points compared to Str/Int classes at endgame.

Your thoughts/ideas on this?

If I remember correctly they gave STR and INT the 10% scaling per rank because those two stats were too weak. You proposal would just revert this change.

Before that change DEX was far superior to STR for physical builds and magical classes prefered just to skip INT entirely. So it wasn’t more diversive than it is right now.

I’m not very happy with the current stat mechanic either, so I would welcome a change that would allow us more diversive and effective stat choices.

What I miss most is a way to avoid magic damage, since dodge and block can be very effective against physical attacks, I don’t see why there is anything usefull against magic attacks (the magic defence provided by SPR is just laughable).

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This is why the change was made people were ignoring the stats and riding off the base damages of skills with con or dex.

As i see it - it wont. There is a soft cap for dex where it is mostly pointless to invest more, with it scaling with ranks as well you will have to invest less in dex to achieve same result (cap) leaving you with spare points for Str, Spr (that is scaled too providing more block renetration) or Con (for HP and crit resistance).

I already mentioned Critical rate gems/equipment in my 1st post. With the way current stats work have you seen melee characters using anything else other than green gems in their weapons?

Ok if you can achieve soft caps because you have enough points due to percentage class level bonuses, then the stat system could shift into a slightly more diversive way, you are right. But then everyone would hunt for the exact and effective soft caps and ignore those stats entirely once achieved.

I would prefer a system without soft caps, but well balanced stats. So that you can put your points in what stat you like without killing your overall effectivity (that includes stats on gems :wink: ).

impossible in games that uses rates for crit chance, evasion and block.