Tree of Savior Forum

Character Name System Suggestions - allow spaces + other suggestions. Arguments inside!

As it is now, character naming system has some restrictions. According to FAQ, we are allowed to use alphanumeric characters (numbers and letters), but not allowed to use special characters, spaces or other non-alphanumeric characters.

With 16 character limit, we already have enough freedom to type in two-section names, like JohnSmith or even SolomonOmegatard. We can use underscores (_) as well, but let’s face it, it’s way better to be John Smith, than to be JohnSmith or John_Smith. It looks way better, and it won’t break chat system, as it uses our Team Name and not a character name. Moreover, character names can be hidden as well, so i doubt it would be a bother. Underscores look ugly and writing down multi-section names in one-word-format isn’t better in any way as well.

  1. So at the very least, PLEASE, allow us to use spaces for our character names! Please, allow us to make character names that ACTUALLY look pretty!

  2. As of now, we cannot use hyphens (-) or apostrophes (’). Please, allow apostrophes (’) and hyphens (-) to support various fantasy or global naming schemes (Kel’Thuzad, Al-addin, etc.)! It’s only natural to have those in a fantasy game!

  3. For a bit of extra, diacritic marks (é, ë, ö, õ, í) could be a nice addition as well, as they are widely used in many alphabetic systems.

Support, please! This suggestion is not game-breaking, not effort-consuming (at least i hope so) and it’s all in all a nice thing to have!

Discussions are welcomed, i suppose?


There is nothing to discuss! It’s just great suggestion ) I was a little disappointed to not be able to name my Archer “Pew Pew” )