Tree of Savior Forum

Character in Orsha getting advancement quest in Klaipeda

I created a new character and chose to start in Orsha. When I got to choose to change class to Highlander C1, I got the advancement quest in Klaipeda. Isn’t that I suppose to get the quest “The Possibilities of a Two-handed Sword” instead of “Solve the Problem”? Is this a bug?

xD the same thing happened to me when moving to cleric C2…

I though it was prob just a bug cause my game crashed while warping :\


O_o people start orsha? i thought the consensus was klaipeda was just better.

You can choose to start at Orsha or Klaipeda when you create a new character. I already had plenty of characters that started at Klaipeda in other servers. I just choose to start a brand new character at Orsha for fun.

it’s all about taste, I love Orsha town cause its “bigger” and emptier xD

so I can evade people more easily (Cause my low specs cant handle crowds)

and if all the classes I want are in town or close it’s a win win :smiley:

i just feel like kali has more exp cards on its side, i could be wrong i haven’t actually added up all the quests.

That I’m not sure as well but for sure Orsha route quest gives silver along with EXP Cards.

I agree…where there’s too much people around the game started to lag although my pc spec is average so I usually don’t have problem with it. Its just, I always felt annoyed when there’s too much people crowded around an NPC especially when you’re playing with ‘mouse mode’. I have to keep changing in between mouse and keyboard just to interact with an NPC…

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You can still do the klaipeda quests. I generally do both storylines. I like a lot of Orsha’s story better, though.

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