Tree of Savior Forum

Character Customization and Teamwork

Hello, I hope I’m doing this correctly.
My first suggestion would be more customization options for characters. I was in a field and ran into another character who was not only the same class as me but also had the same hairstyle and headpiece. Everyone looks exactly alike, there aren’t even any skin color options. I finally realized you can get different hair colors from certain achievements but most of those achievements are ridiculous and I don’t understand why the game does it this way while in most other games various hair color options are standard. I think the rewards for these achievements should be bigger, like hats or maybe tattoos? Hair color options should be available for everyone to create a unique avatar of themselves. In conclusion for this suggestion I would like to see options for: facial hair, skin tone, hair color, and eye color.
My other suggestion is the integration of better teamwork mechanics. As I have found throughout this game it is very individualized. The story puts you as the “chosen one” and makes you out to be a lone hero. This is fine, and I actually think the story is pretty good and the quests are fun and not overbearing. They are also very unique and I love it. However, the lack of team based options is stifling. For example; Quests are not shared. They are shared in a sense that your party members can see the quest you are on, and you can also share the exp from it. Why can’t we share doing the actual quest? That’s the most fun, for me, in MMO’s. Getting friends together to tackle a big quest that has a big boss. So far, all the bosses can be easily tackled solo as long as you are the appropriate level. I think that’s great and I don’t necessarily think that should change. What I suggest is that is to make the quests have a “party” version. As in, you can have a party of 2 or more people participating in the quest but the more people you have the harder the quest is. Like, the boss is stronger, the quest is a little longer (if you have to kill a certain number of baddies maybe that number increases with the amount of people in your party), but also the rewards would be better. Maybe there is a legendary type item only available during a quest if you have 5 people in a party? Something like that. Also sharing items between people should be available somehow. I love helping my friends level when they begin in a game but in this one I can’t do anything for them. If I stand too close to an item that drops from a monster THEY kill, I might accidentally get it. Then of course it’s useless to me but could have really helped them. Right now there is no benefit to forming a party, or even a guild. It’s almost like I have to treat other players like the plague, and that really doesn’t sit well with the way I like to play.
Anyhoo, I think this game is super fun and has great potential. I played Raganrok for a long time and it’s been agony waiting for a game like it. I hope this community and this game continues to grow and I hope a lot of these issues I’m reading about are fixed by the launch date.